My Friends at UCSC

Click on the thumbnail for a larger image. If the picture doesn't load on this page, click on it, because the bigger picture will probably work anyways. know what I'm sayin??

Oh and by the way! If your picture is not here and you have a picture of yourself that you think should be here... well just email it to me. The link is in the mainpage.

This is me, I am in Katie's room

Katie looking cute

Matt my guitar hero!!

Ben and Joey, the coolest

Alex, cool programming guy

This is my RA, Alex

This is Eric!! He is cool.

Megan looking pretty in pink

Kyle visits us from UOP

Look at this hot stud!!

Me and Andrew

Hanging out in Erin's room

Erin looking pretty

Erin's friend, Carl (who doesn't go to UCSC)

Erin and Carl in Erin's room

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