& Romance
~*~The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you,not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, They're in each other all along.~*~
A personal description of my last 8 boyfriends
Love-ly Humor
What not to say when arguing with a woman
Take a love quiz! (Or, ten...)
Most people would admit that a large part of their lives revolve around love and romance in one way or another. We are born with not only the need to receive love but to give it also. Perhaps this is why we have a tendency to spend mass amounts of time, money, and energy into finding our most compatible, or “soul mates.” Now I know that as a woman I tend to over do the emotional side, but I also know men well enough that they do occasionally (or eventually) jones for that special someone to share their lives with and replace the mindless one night stands...
How to have a fairy tale relationship!
    Candles have meanings, too!

WHITE: for Meditation, Truth and Purity

ORANGE: to Attract Love and Communication

RED: for Passion, Love, War and Aggression

GREEN: Finances, Money and Material gain

PINK: for Success, color for Morality

PURPLE: is Power, Vigor and Ambition

: Confidence, Charm, Cheer

GOLD: to Persuade or Stop Gossip

BROWN: Burn for Minor problems and Loss

LIGHT BLUE: for Health and Understanding

means Mercy and Adaptability

SILVERY GREY: To Stop Events and End Matters
Every kind of action has a not-so-kind reaction.
Love is the delusion that one man differs from another.
The nicer someone is, the further they are away from you.
Never sleep with a person crazier than yourself.
It is always the wrong time of the month.
A male can be happy with any female as long as they are'nt married.
There isn't a difference between a fool and a wise man if they're in love.
Love = the victory of imagination over intelligence.
If love is chemistry, then sex is physics.
Sex tends to  prejudice against the ugly and the shy.
One good turn gets you most of the blankies.
Wisdom tid-bits
Some things are better or worse than sex, but there's nothing quite like it.
Virginity is cureable.
If you get them by the balls, the rest is happy to follow.
Nothing improves with age.
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
There is no remedy for sex but more sex.
Sex is like snow, you never know how many inches you'll get or how long it will last!
Male-Female Translations
Language of love, what they say, what they mean

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Emotional abuse can be as harmful as physical abuse and it's just as serious. Here's  great  links on identifying and dealing with it.
Romeos' Bleeding.
Heartless Bitches view.
A list of sex offenders by state.
Love Poems...(Submit Your own!)
HEY! I Finally added the poems page! Go see it here! (And add your own poems!)
Are you really in love?
Love-ly Links!
The Ever-popular "Cyber love" question. (Soon!)
Do you know how to win a lovers argument?
Free Prayer Requests.
Are you Un-Pure??
More funnies in my forum =)