[ A Politically-Correct Rough Paraphrase? ]

JIMMY: Kudos to all you hostile-against-Bush/Cheney supporters of Kerry/Edwards out there in the audience.

I am in authority in this debate. I let speak whoever I want to speak, and I cut off from speaking whoever I cut off from speaking...whenever I want to. Understandably, that subconsciously intimidates you somewhat, Mr. President, being that I have the plainly-perceivable recorded reputation of being partial to the negative and not the positive concerning and not regarding you. Besides, who would dare accuse me or my PBS staff of leaking my allegedly-'private' questions to the Kerry Debate Advisors and not to you nor your administration so that Kerry could obviously be prepared with quick-response memorized pat answers to such while you grope for rapid-fire answers to multiple-subject questions giving you the appearance of a one-track-mantra moron?

KERRY: I made a mixed-messages mistake in voting about appropriations for funding the Iraq War. Different contexts require nuances of interpretation at sundry times which are complex depending on differing circumstances. Concordantly, one can noncontradictorily have both bilateral and multilaterial dialog with North Korea.

BUSH: Saddam would eventually have gotten existent the non-existent nuclear-arsenal 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' [a ridiculous-wording buzzphrase which sounds like it was made up by some feminist-twit two-year-old]. Preemptively murder the rape-or-incest-caused baby now by bloody-barbaric canaanite-human-sacrifice-immentality abortion homicide who and not which might become a criminal someday for the nonrealistically-projected saving of the life of the mother? You certainly did not shy away from your chance to presumptuously impose questionably-authorized agitate-the-Cong mischief in North Vietnam.

KERRY: I believe Saddam needed to be removed from power, but we should have had a plan before going to war to remove him. We should never have gone to war against Iraq to do so, even if we had had a plan. Remember the success Chamberlain-The-Deceived had in talking Versailles-Treaty-vengeful Hitler out of invading Czechoslavia! Rather, we should have done more to be in equal-partner alliances with the do-nothing, insipid-leadership, never-unanimously-agree-on-anything, militarily-nonempowered, hate-America-and-hate-Israel United Nations and Arab antisemites. We needed to convince France and others to partner with us in a war they sensed and we knew we never should have gotten into in the first place. Or gotten into with a plan. Whatever.

Maybe Saddam could eventually have been talked into being a nice guy diplomatically - given enough time before Saddam frightened OPEC enough to shut off our foreign oil imports at the south chokepoint of Iraq at the Caspian Sea where the oil tankers fearfully squeeze through. Saddam was not powerful enough to even consider doing anything like that, because he never did it against Kuwait in 1991 requiring the First-Gulf-War intervention of Bush Sr. In fact, as TFK explained.....

BUSH: No need to mention toxic waste here. There would be no voluntary draft during my next term in office. American troops perhaps would be withdrawn from Iraq at the end of my second term, because I can only have two terms as President to have any say in the matter.

KERRY: I would Rangel up thousands more troops to be put in harm's way all over the planet, similar to what big-business-patsy-democrats JFK and Lyndon Johnson did with their half-cocked Vietnam crusade before Richard Nixed that and established trade with China so that we can get cheap good stuff from the far east.....bypassing high-wage/high-priced american-union products from anti-asian democrat-union strikers. This president had no plan before going to war, and did not even first allow U.N. inspectors to look for gas in Iraq.

BUSH: No U.N. inspectors? No U.N. Security Council resolutions? The plan to invade Iraq worked in that our military systematically and successful invaded and conquered it - for the most part. Rome wasn't built in a day. Talk more to Allawi about the successes in Iraq and listen less to subversive demoncrat media and their deprecatory demoncrat supporters. The plan to remove Saddam from power worked because Saddam was removed from power. The plan to replace Saddam with an Allawi who truly speaks for the democracy-acceptant peace-and-freedom-loving people of Iraq worked because Saddam was removed and replaced by an Allawi who truly speaks for the democracy-acceptant peace-and-freedom-loving people of Iraq. If Saddam had been talked into becoming a nice guy evidenced by him stopping his funding of anti-Israel palestainian (yes: paleSTAINian) suicide bombers, not scaring OPEC sheiks into withholding our foreign oil imports, reading mullahs the KJV / RSV / NASV / NKJV / etc. HOLY BIBLE, informing Jesus-as-Messiah-rejecting? Israeli leadership to take control of their Jacob-and-not-merely-Abraham-promised Holy Land as specified in the Old-Testament book of Genesis, and accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.....invasion of Iraq could have been nonnecessary. But upon inviting a hypothetically-voluntary Saddam to get off his throne and let America establish puppet government there might have resulted in Saddam ending up in the pokey he now is in - anyway - for his purported 'war crimes' of punishing terroristic rival radical islamic faction groups traitorously trying to disrupt Saddam's modestly-dressed-Moslem-fundamentalist-women, strict-law-and-order, sovereign country. Don't flipflop about my core intent with your nonrealistic armchair-quarterback plagiarism advocating what I have already accomplished.

Presidential-Candidate Debate #2

The Election Issue of Social Security