Some facts about Sailor Moon

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Minako & Rei go to different middle schools than the rest os the senshi and Rei goes to an all girl school.

Usagi, Ami, & Makoto all go to the same junior high school

Makoto is taller than most of the other girls her age.  Because she is so tall, her new school didn't have a uniform that fit her so that's why she wears her old uniform.

In Japan, School starts in the Spring

All of the Senshi live in a real city called Juuban.

Juuban is considered a wealthy city and the senshi are considered wealthy.  Most Japenese live in small apartments and Usagi lives in a two story house.  Just think of how rich Hotaru is.

You know how Sailor Moon introduces herself everytime she meets an enemy well, the reason for that.  In martial arts, you always have to introduce yourself before you attack.  If you do not introduce yourself, it's like stabbing someone in the back, it's a very bad thing.  It can get kind of repetative but it all goes beck to the sameri and that kind of thing.

Sailor Venus was originally Sailor V

The Game Crown Center is a real place in Juuban

All of the inner senshi are 14 in the first season of the show.

Tsukino Usagi's name came from an Asian myth about a rabbit on the moon

The Sailor Senshi were intended to wear different sailor outfits and masks

In the American movie "Bring It On," twords the end of the movie, when Torrence calls Cliff, you can see the bottom of a manga Sailor Moon picture in his room

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