Episode 1 
by Morino Keitora [MesseswithHeads@aol.com]

	In the school yard of Juuban High School, two girls were discussing a matter of
business. A girl with icy blue hair and white streaks spoke. “We’re having new transfer
students. I’m not sure who they are, but we have to be careful. I’m pretty sure one is
our ally.” She leaned against a tree nearby and sighed. Her sapphire-blue eyes seemed
	“The other could be a new enemy.” A girl sitting on the grass suggested. She had
a purple hair and with a tint of red and her eyes were fiery red. The first girl spoke
	“We’ll just have to feel the energy they have and determine their status.”
	“Then after school, I’ll talk to Jinumi.”
	“Hai.” The girl agreed. They stood up straight and started heading into the

		*		*		*		*

	In the classroom of 2-1, the students were up and about, talking and laughing
with their friends. The door opened abruptly and a woman in her late twenties, and a
two students walked in.
	“Students, take your seats at once.” All the students rushed to their desks and
sat down quickly.
	“Ohayougozaimasu, Okusana- sensei.”
	“Konnichiwa, students.” She opened up her book and took a quick glance to see
if all 26 students were there. She closed the book and smiled. “Perfect attendance.
Students, today we have two new additions to our class. I want you to make them feel
as comfortable as possible. She is Tenoh Etaiko and he is Teiru. Teiru-kun, you can sit
over there on the right, next to where Uindono-kun is sitting. Please raise your hand
to guide Teiru-kun where he is to sit.” Suddenly, a girl with long blond hair quickly
scribbled something in her notebook, and quickly tossed it towards the girl with the
icy blue hair. As Teiru walked past her to sit down, the blond started drooling at the
thought of him being so close. 
	The girl started to open the note and read it, when Tieru sat down and
introduced himself. “Konnichiwa. My name is Teiru. We’ll be great friends, ne?” She
started to blush and took a great deal of time to respond.
	“Ohaiyo. I’m Uindono Risasshi. I’ll be happy to help you with any questions you
	“I’m glad to hear that.”
	“Sasorino and Uindono-kun. I am trying to teach a lesson. Please wait until after
the bell to speak.” The teacher looked ticked off, and she wasn’t a very patient
	“Gomen.” Teiru and Risasshi said, but only Risasshi was a little red in the face
for being scolded. The sensei resumed back to the lesson, and Risasshi resumed back
to opening her note. It read:

		“Aa, you are so lucky to have such a hot guy sit next to you. I wish 
	he were sitting closer to me, so I could have a better chance at making him 
	my boyfriend. Well I guess I’ll just have to fight you for him. May the best girl 
	win. Ja ne!”

	Risasshi put the note into her school bag, and started thinking while trying to
concentrate on the lesson. That Aino Minako girl is such a baka. All she thinks about
are boys. At least she’s a decent Sailor Senshi. Usagi on the other hand, she’s just not
the leader type. If she put more thought into being Sailor Moon and protecting her
planet, maybe it wouldn’t have been so difficult to beat Mistress 9, the Amazon Trio,
Quartet and Galaxia. I guess she has gotten better, but she needs more leadership
skills. She’ll just have to go through more experience. And we are going to teach her.
Just at that moment, Etaiko looked directly over to her and their eyes connected.

		*		*		*		*

	“Ami-chan, Mako-chan, Mina-chan. Matte.” Usagi came running towards them,
and when she was just two feet away, she tripped and started bawling like a baby.
Minako came running to help Usagi get up.
	“Usagi-chan, you may be princess of the moon, but you definitely are not princess 
of the graceful.”
	“Arigato, Minako-chan for helping me get up. Demo, could you just be a little
bit nicer when you critic my grace? What do you think of the new students?”
	“I think Teiru is very kawaii! Etaiko, isn’t my style.” Minako had a dreamy look
on her face and her hands clasped together.
	“I feel a strange aura when I get near them.” Makoto looked worried, but she
seemed prepared for a battle.
	“And have you realized that Etaiko’s last name is the same as Haruka-san’s?”
Ami brought up. “She could pretend to be a new Senshi and have a secret plan to
destroy us.
	Usagi started to get creeped out and this weird look spread all over her face.
“Oh come on minna. I’m sure it’s just your imagination. Let’s go eat lunch!” The four
girls went into the cafeteria, but Usagi was the only one to turn around to see if
anyone followed.

		*		*		*		*

	It was now after school and the new students of Juuban High were all sitting in
a row of chairs.
	“Konnichiwa, minna. My name is Mitsuki. As class president, I welcome you to
Juuban High School.” A girl with short, black, curly hair smiled. “At Juuban High, you
have to work hard to achieve your goals and to be successful. To do this you have
to-,” at this point, Etaiko, who was sitting in the first row, raised her hand. “Nani?”
	“May I leave now? I see no point in this lecture.” Mitsuki looked very confused
and blinked a few times.
	“Yeah sure. You may leave.”
	“Arigato.” Etaiko stood up, and Mitsuki stepped back when she saw the cold
bitter eyes coming from her. She walked out of the classroom and didn’t look back. I
really didn’t see a point in that seminar. Besides, I have more important things to do.
Like finding Risasshi and the other that’s usually with her. At this point, she was
running. She ran out of the school and down a couple of blocks, and when she turned
the corner, she stopped abruptly. In front of her were the exact people she was
looking for, including an extra person.
	“I was looking for you.”
	“We know. I’m Risasshi. To my right is Nenshou, and to my left is her twin
sister, Jinumi.” She first motioned to a girl with purple, red tinted hair, and then a girl
with purple, blue tinted hair.
	“Nice to meet you,” Etaiko replied. “There’s something here that’s going to stop
us from finding what we need.”
	“You mean you know about being a senshi?” Nenshou questioned.
	“Of course. Why do you think I came here?”
	“We thought you just sort of had an urge and needed to be awaken.” Jinumi said
with a puzzled look.
	“No. I learned all I need to know before I was sent to this strange planet.”
	Risasshi stepped forward and announced. “Since we don’t need to explain
anything, we better get moving. We need to find the people containing the Crescent
Souls of the Zodiac.” The other girls nodded.
	“I think I know who might be attacked first.” Etaiko announced. “The class
president of Juuban High School could be the new victim, since she is so happy and
	“Then we should head to the school immediately, so we don’t waste time.”
Jinumi put in.
	“I believe you know the physical abilities of yourself, when you are not in senshi
form.” Risasshi questioned with her right hand on her right hip.
	“Course.” And with this, they kneeled quickly, and jumped up into the trees,
and kept leaping. While they ran and jumped, they transformed also. They continued
running, as if nothing happened, towards the school.

		*		*		*		*

	“Who are you? What do you want with me?” The class president, was outside of
the school, and a man was in her presence.
	“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” He had light brown hair that was
covering his face. He then lifted a sort of pistol out from the inside of his jacket. “Just
let me have you soul.” With this, he shot at her heart and she let out a piercing
scream. A bright light followed and then a crescent shaped moon appeared. It was red
in color, and had the sign of Aries engraved in it. “It’s a regular soul. This is worthless.
I’ll just let the girl turn into a farce. This’ll be fun to watch.”
	“Hold it!” Five shadowy figures showed up. “I can’t let you harm the school’s
class president for your pleasure. I’m Sailor Pretty Soldier Senshi, Sailor Moon. In the
name of the moon, I’ll punish you!” She did her little pose, and the man laughed.
	“What a cute motto. Too bad you won’t be able to say those words again. It’s
too late to save her though. I’d love to stay and chat, but your gonna die. By the way.
My name is Sasoriza.” The body of Mitsuki, spun in a cyclone of dark light. In her
replacement was a depressed looking girl dressed completely in black, and her hair was limp. 
“Have fun with her! Sayonara.” He disappeared laughing wickedly.
	“Say good bye to your fighting days!” Mitsuki’s farce was running towards them
in a rampage screaming good bye.
	“What is that?” Sailor Mercury cried.
	“I think it’s one of those farces, but where did it come from?” Sailor Mars asked.
	“Whatever it is, I’ll have to change it back.” Sailor Moon withdrew her healing
wand. “Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!!!” The wand did it’s magic, and in a few
seconds, the farce was supposed to turn back to a human. But when the lights stopped, the
farce was still in it’s form.
	“Oh no! What happened? Why isn’t it working?” Sailor Venus was in a frenzy. At
this point, “Mitsuki” was only a few feet away. She lept up into the air and her hand
turned into a sharp pointy knife.
	“Goodbye, Sailor Moon!”

				To be continued......

    Source: geocities.com/morinokeitora