Episode 3
by Morino Keitora [MesseswithHeads@aol.com]

	“Hey, Jinumi!” A girl about to walk through swinging doors turned around
to see Hino Rei running behind her. She stopped and took a few breaths of air
before speaking. “Hi, Jinumi. I was just wondering if you wanted to go shopping
with me this afternoon.”
	“I’m sorry Rei-chan. I promised my sister I’d go see a movie with her
today.” Rei had on a disappointed look on her face. Jinumi felt bad and quickly
thought of another idea. “Why don’t we go to the mall tomorrow afternoon? I
heard that the idol Sakumi is secretly going to be there.”
	“Really? Wow. I can’t wait to see her next movie.” Rei was cheered up
once again and Jinumi had a satisfying look on her face.
	“Maybe we could go see it with my sister when it comes out.”
	“That sounds great! Have a good time at the movies.” Rei looked at her
watch and looked stunned. “Oh no! I’m going to be late. I’ll see you tomorrow
Umi-chan!” She turned around and started running turning the exit. She looked
behind to wave goodbye and Jinumi returned the gesture. *It’s too bad we can’t
work with her. But, although she’s strong, she’s not strong enough to destroy
the new enemy. It’s best that she stays out of our way.* Jinumi looked at her own
watch with a look of horror on her face.
	“Oh no! Now I’m going to be late to meet Nenshou!” She quickly turned
around to walk into the door. “Owwwww.” She fell back with a big bump on her

		*		*		*		*

	“Wow. It’s so crowded here!” Rei was scanning the big scene on tippy
toes with her hand shading her eyes. “I didn’t think that so many people knew
she was coming.” Rei relaxed onto her feet and sighed. “I was hoping I could
get an autograph too.”
	“That’s okay Rei-chan. Come with me.” Jinumi grabbed her arm and
pulled her through the crowd. While she walked through, Jinumi said things like
“Gomen” and “Excuse me.” They soon arrived in front of the big star and Jinumi
gave a big smile. “Konnichiwa, Sakumi.” The star turned around and looked
surprised, then a huge smile spread over her face.
	“Umi-chan! What are you doing here?!?!” 
	“Well I secretly heard you were going to be here, and I decided to bring
my tomodachi with me.”
	“How do you know her, Umi-chan?” Rei was puzzled.
	“We lived next door when we were little and she, Nenshou, and I were
best friends.”
	“Oh yeah that’s right! Where is Nenni-chan?” Jinumi burst out laughing.
	“You still call her Nenni-chan? I can’t believe you haven’t forgotten.”
	“Forget my closest friends? Never! Any way, what can I do for you?”
	“Well my friend, Rei, would like an autograph.”
	“Only if it’s not to much trouble.” Rei said added in shyly.
	“It’s no big deal. I’d be happy to autograph what you have for me to
	“Really? Then could you sign this, and this and this...” Rei started pulling
T-shirts, CDs, pictures, and more and putting them into the idol’s arm.
	“You must be a big fan, ne?” Rei smiled.
	“Not as big as my friend, Aino Minako.”
	“The blond girl with a white cat?” She looked up from signing the items
to see Rei nod. “I’ve already met her. As a matter of fact, I got a hand cramp
signing her stuff. She even got me to sign her cat!” Rei gets a huge teardrop.
	“Then I must apologize for her. She’s a big idol chaser.”
	“It’s no problem. People like her are who made me famous, and I
appreciate and love my fans a lot.”
	“You really are great.”
	“Thanks. Here are your things.” She gave the merchandise back to Rei
and smiled. “Well I better get going. I have a recording in an hour.”
	“Bai bai, Sakumi-chan!”
	“Bai, Umi-chan!” She turned around to wave good-bye to her childhood
	Meanwhile, Rei had a strange flash. *What’s this weird energy around
here? It’s so strong and it seems to follow that girl. I better go after her.*
	“Gomen, Umi-chan. I just remembered I have to do something at the
temple. I know we didn’t get to shop long, but it’s really important.” 
	“It’s okay, Rei-chan. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
	“Gomen.” Rei ran off towards the exit, and Jinumi’s expression suddenly
turned serious. Three girls stepped up behind her, and she spoke. “She knows
that Sakumi is a target. We better henshin quickly.”
	“Hai!” They walked calmly towards the exit opposite where Rei left.

		*		*		*		*

	In the middle of an empty parking lot, there was a scream. A man with
blood red hair was facing the girl, and he had a satisfied smile on his face.
	“Well you’ve proven your vocal skills. Let’s see how your soul look like,
shall we?” He held out a pistol and shot her with a ray of black light. The girl
screamed about five seconds before stopping and dropping to the ground. A
crescent shaped object appeared above her. It was dark blue in color, with the
sign of Pisces engraved. “I guess she failed the test. I’ll just get going now.” He
turned around and started walking, when he heard a voice.
	“Hold it! Who do you think you are trying to steal a soul of a beautiful
singer? On behalf of Mars, I’ll burn you up. I am Sailor Mars!” Sailor Mars posed
and Sasoriza shook his head and chuckled.
	“I don’t think that’s possible, Sailor Mars. I’m far stronger than you, and
you can’t damage me.”
	“I’ll just leave you to get acquainted with the prima donna. Sayonara!” He
faded into space and Sailor Mars was stunned. *What can I do? I can’t just attack
her. I might kill her.*
	“Sailor Mars!” Mars turned abruptly to see Sailor Moon and the other
	“Sailor Moon, attack now!” Jupiter ordered while running.
	“Hai!” Sailor Moon took out her weapon and said. “Moon Princess Light of
Love!” The idol’s soul quickly went back into her body before she could change
into a farce.
	“Good job, Sailor Moon. At least you defeated her quickly.” Sailor Moon
turned around quickly turned around and looked up to see Sailor Star Wind
standing on a lamp post. She looked around and the other Star Wings were
doing the same, but in different corners, creating a square. they quickly
jumped down to surround Sailor Moon and the inner senshi. Sailor Star Wind
was right in front of Sailor Moon and she smirked in her face. “But do you think
you can do it more often?”  Sailor Star Wind saw figures in Sailor Moon’s eye,
and she quickly reacted. 
	“Star Wings, move!” All four senshi quickly did back flips and stopped when
they were about 9 feet away from Sailor Moon, suddenly, a big ball of yellow
energy came shooting towards Sailor Moon and struck her. The figure Sailor
Star Wind saw ran towards the injured Sailor Moon. Sailor Venus and Mercury
held her while trying to get her wake up. The figures turned out to be Sailor
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn.
	“Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon. Are you okay?” Sailor Saturn yelled. Sailor Moon
slowly opened her eyes, and looked up at her.
	“Why did you attack me, Sailor Uranus?”
	“I didn’t mean to. I was aiming for Sailor Star Wind, but they have surprisingly
quick reflexes.” Sailor Venus helped Sailor Moon stand up, and then Sailor
Pluto turned to the Star Wings’ leader. “I would like to a have a test of strength
between the Star Wings, and the outer senshi.”
	“We accept.” Star Wind answered. She made a motion with her hand for
Sailor Star Earth to step forward. She did as ordered and Sailor Uranus stepped
up as well.
	“Sailor Star Earth, you won’t be able to defeat me.” Sailor Uranus
withdrew her talisman for a weapon.
	“We’ll see who gets defeated. And how predictable. The Space Sword. I
guess I’ll use my sword as well.” Sailor Star Earth held up her left arm and
pressed a green emerald on a silver cufflink. It had a silver handle and a long
curved blade, similar to the Space Sword, but longer.
	They stood facing each other and Sailor Uranus made the first move.
“Space Sword Blaster.” Sailor Star Earth quickly avoided it by jumping over
Uranus and kicked her in the back. Sailor Star Earth wasted no time in striking
	“Wrath of Nature!” A group of vines quickly rose from the ground and
grabbed Uranus’s limbs, making her drop the sword. Sailor Star Earth walked up
to her and put her sword under Uranus’ throat. “Do you admit defeat?” Sailor
Uranus smile proudly.
	“Hai. I admit defeat. I’m proud to know my training has paid off.”
	“Arigato, onee-chan.” Sailor Star Earth cut the vines holding up Uranus. 
	“Onee-chan?  You mean you have a sister?” Sailor Venus was shocked.
	“How come you never told us, Haruka-san?” Sailor Mercury asked.
	“You never asked.” Uranus said with a wink and Mercury blushed from
asking such a silly question.
	“Shinsei.(True)” Sailor Moon said. The outer senshi had detransformed,
but the inner senshi were still in regular form. They looked at each other as if
they were asking if it was okay to detransform.
	“It’s okay Usagi-chan. We already know who you and the other senshi
are.” Sailor Star Water said while detransforming to Jinumi. Now the two were
shocked beyond belief.
	“How’d you know who were?” Sailor Jupiter said.
	“Well it’s easy since three of us have been in the same schools we were
15 and we’ve been secretly watching you.”
	“Three?” Sailor Moon asked. “Isn’t there four of you?”
	“You forgot that Etaiko just transferred here.” Nenshou answered.
	“I attended Mugen High before it was destroyed. Etaiko said.
	“But if you’re Haruka’s sister, how come you’re not one of us?” Sailor
Mars asked.
	“Even though Etaiko is one of the Star Wings, she is from the planet
Uranus. She was chosen to be a senshi by the Star Wings’ universe.” Haruka had
her arms around Etaiko’s shoulder and she gave her a proud hug.
	“I was sent to train at the age of 11, but I couldn’t do anything right, so
my mom called me back for senshi training with Haruka. Onee-chan helped me
with my fighting skills, and now, it seems that *I’m* stronger than her.”
	“Don’t think so much of yourself, Etaiko-chan.” Haruka ruffled Etaiko’s
hair and gave her a gentle push. Michiru stood behind Etaiko and put her hands
on her shoulders.
	“How do you like Earth?” Etaiko looked up with a smile.
	“It’s quite beautiful, Michiru-san.”
	“I’m glad you like it.” Michiru smiled happily.
	“Now that we know who we each are, the other senshi and I can help.”
Usagi said with determination.
	“No, Usagi-chan. That’s still not possible.” Setsuna said. “They were sent
from their universe to get what they need, and they are to do it with whomever
they like.”
	“But we can help make their mission go faster.” Ami said.
	“You did the same thing to Etaiko’s sister and her friends, and your world
was almost destroyed. We’re not going to let that happen to our world.”
Risasshi was angry and had rage in her eyes. “Let’s go.” The group of four
quickly left, and Usagi looked sad.
	“I think it’s best if you let them do this themselves. It’s much more
serious this time. They’re trying to bring a war to an end, while we were trying
to keep it from happening. They won’t even let Michiru, Setsuna, Hotaru, and
the rest of us to help.”
	“But it’s my duty as Neo Queen Serenity to help them.”
	“Yes, you are Neo Queen Serenity, but you aren’t *their* queen.” Setsuna
	“You’ll just have to understand them.” Michiru said sympathetically.
“We’re going to stay at the Tomoe’s resident for a while. Just to make sure you
don’t into too much trouble.”
	“We’ll see you guys around.” Haruka said with a wave. The outer senshi
walked away, leaving the inner senshi in the parking lot.

    Source: geocities.com/morinokeitora