age 18
Location Lake Havasu, Arizona
Height 5'11
weight 227
Fav foods burritos, taquitos, bacon guacamole burgers.. most mexican food
Sports Football, Soccer, and Track
Favorite Teams Dallas Cowboys, Anihiem Angels, those are only 2
Status taken :)
Lifting Stats Squat-575, Deadlift- 555, bench- 315, powerclean-225
Fav Soda Pepsi, Cactus Cooler, Squirt
Hobbies boxing drawing swimming
4 wheeling and dirtbiking
Location Lake Havasu, Arizona
Hangouts The pirate ship, my house, yonder park, jack hardy
Crystal Cliffs, Sarahs Crack, and friends houses
Fav. Muscicians Big and Rich, Montgomery Gentry, Alan Jackson
School Clubs Key Club and Choir Club
dream car 1965 Divco, or my f-150
dream house Haunted Mansion.. like amnitiville
life goals to have a family and be financially stable by doing a job a like and helping others