My  Opinion

Hey! This is where I say what’s going on in my head. If you want me to give my opinion on something, then e-mail me about it.I’ll try and get it up, don’t make any thing to you know…..any who other then that I’m free. Or you just want me to ponder with you like why is Izzy so short? Etc: feel free to e-mail moi.
Here is what I think about Sorato.
First of all, My first episode. Of Digimon was episode.3 in season 1. So as soon as I saw that episode. I immediately liked Sora. She was a ...nice character. I am not trying to pull your leg but when I first saw Sora and Tai and the whole gang I thought (from that episode.) that Tai and Sora were brothers and sisters. It was the way they acted. I’m sorry don’t blow up on me.(he was also shorter then her so I thought he was her little bro.)
I also noticed something between Sora and Matt. (I have a romantic nature.)Even though my first episode was 3 later on I concluded that Sora was my favorite character. Not that it was because my first episode. Also cause after they showed Izzy and the computer thing. i wasn’t, what you would say, interested.
Then it was Mimi, ok lets not go there. I don’t hate the girl. But she's so....complany! (Is that word?) Her and Joe match perfectly. I like Joe he was funny in a strange way. I liked some of his remarks. Talking about remarks after hearing Matt's he was my second favorite character. Sora first. Sora's pretty good at dissing too. From the begging I never that of Tai and Sora like that, besides friends. So I guess, you could say since that, since the day I saw the show Digimon, I was a sorato fan all long. And let me tell you, it was not easy! There were so many Taiora fans that wanted to gut me! And the Mimato, I just ignored them cause they didn't even have a base. (I don’t want to sound rude or offend any one but it's true!) the taioras had something but the mimato's it just didn't click. I mean since the beginning Matt has been dissin Mimi. Joe Sora and TK were the (I think) only ones that didn't say anything to her(offensive wise). I remember at the beginning Izzy thought she was an alien!
TK. I fell in love with him the second I saw him. (Not that way!) I mean baby cute! And he was. And he had such acute voice. Did you also notice that in some of the episodes Tai is shorter then Sora or in some they are the same height. And Some times Joe is towering over Matt and other times Matt doesn't seem so short. For the record of things I hate the way Season 2 ended! They grew up so fast. I thought they would show time where the Digi destined were in collage or something. But nooooooooo. They had to be married and with kids. Well life is not always fair. I am going to keep on adding to this section.
(June 2 2001)
There has been a lot of speculation on who Mimi would end up with, I for one say , JOE!!!! If you don’t believe me, you might have some thing to ponder about after I say some facts. First of all in season one, just because her and Izzy just happened to me put on that island with Centarumon does not mean that they belong together. I mean look at Matt and Sora. Sora was stuck with Joe while Matt had to put up with Tai. But did Sora and Joe get married and have two adorable little kids? NOPE! And did Matt and Tai get married and have……. Ok let us not go there shall we? Back to the main topic.
When the digi destined came back to the digi world with Kari there was so much Mimo evidence that I could not see how people thought other wise. (But oh well, different people have different opinions and I respect that.) Well did you notice how Joe is always standing up for Mimi, and agreeing with her, and gets mad when some one tries to hurt her. Remember that episode when Joe Mimi there Digimon Leomon and Ogremon were fighting Metleettamon? Then again he volunteered to stay with Mimi cause it wasn’t safe for her to stay alone, didn’t see Izzy protesting. That was big hint, I think and the little ones were all over the place, him always walking with Mimi, backing her up, so on and so forth, you just gotta look. And Mimi never hung out much with the other guys, and she complemented Joe a lot. Mimi was easy at figuring out who she liked cause she was mostly with Joe. Sora on the other hand was a tuff cookie. She was friends with every one! She teases Joe, talks to Izzy, talks to Tai, but the one who she had the most trouble communicating and the easiest some times was Matt. Strange no? The past Year I had such a hard time convincing my friends and I still am, to some of them why it’s Yamato and Sora. Therefore, I had to dig deep. Back to Mimo. In the move Joe had all these presents for Mimi. If you have any evidences on either of these couple send them in! I’ll put up a special page for them.
July3 2001