
Drawing Guy's Followers

Risk Breaker
Lamnura Sketch by Geminifirerabbit
Lamnura Profile by Geminifirerabbit
Aneko by Geminifirerabbit
Small by Ben Johnson
Cecelia by Ben Johnson
Geogia by Ben Johnson

This is a page of art submitted by others. Just hover the mouse over the links to preview the pic, and then click to see the full size image!

If you would like to submit a picture to me, send it to drawingguy_requests@hotmail.com. Include a title, the name you want to be listed as to be who it's by, and a BRIEF one sentence despcription if desired.

The only limitations are:

1) NO plagerizing. If an image is descovered to made by a seperate source, it will be removed. Fan art is great, clip art is not.

2) The image must be less than 1 mb. If it is too large, I will compress it for you, so don't stop yourself from submitting one if that's the case.

3) NO nudity. While I understand that it may be artistic, I will not post it. Sensuous clothing, though, is acceptable. ;)

Last Updated: 4/12/04.