Last updated: March 11th 03

It all started in 6th grade.
I use to be bestfriends with this girl, her name is Alexa. She was at my house oneday, and was telling me about MSN messenger(I wasn't into computers at the time). She downloaded it for me, right then I was addicted! Alexa came over again and told me that everyone is starting to make websites. I was of course like "Cool! I want one too!" So, she we get on my computer, and she takes me to She taught me how to use it, we thought of a name for it. Since I was really wacko, crazy, funny, weird type of person(worse than I am now) we decided it should be Weird Girls Weird Stuff
. I had that site for awhile, then I found MSN communities/groups. I can't remember the first group on MSN I ever had, but i've had TONS! Then it came to geocities. I don't remember what the first geocities site I had was called either. I've been obsessed with websites since then, 6th grade. It's just always been something to do for me, since I don't get out a lot.
How did I come up with "MY BABY DOT ORG"????
Honestly, I don't know. Well I was thinking about Erin, obviously, the usual. I always called him to my friends "My baby!" So, somehow that just popped into my head at the time, and DOT ORG sounded funky to me.
Why dont I try to get hosted?
One. my mom doesn't think i'm old enough=P She's not to found about me and all this internet stuff. Secondly, I really want to but I don't have the money to afford it and all. Other wise If my mom allowed me to, and if I did have the money i'd be at it in no time!