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Weoley Hill Folk Dance Group

EFDSS Affiliated

See Program of events

Weoley Hill Folk Dance Group meets on Mondays in School term time, at Weoley Hill Village Hall, off Witherford Way in Selly Oak, Birmingham, from 8:00 -10pm. See this web site for a map.

A Caller or MC will lead dances and give instructions for people of all levels of experience in folk dancing. The music is usually live. The Group is affiliated to The English Folk Dance and Song Society and exists to promote the understanding and enjoyment of folk dancing.

The weekly subscription is £2.00 per member, which includes tea and biscuits in the interval. There is an annual subscription of £3.00 per person for members. The group has two special dances each year open to the general public, which usually take place on the first Saturday in July and the first Saturday in December. Membership is open anyone who is interested in the aims of the Group.

The group is very friendly and welcome people either as members or as occasional visitors.

Dates for your Diary

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September 2007

Set Dance: Diamonds for Weoley

10th Stephen Woodcock

17th Liz Green

24h Elaine Williams


October 2007

Set Dance: Diamonds for Weoley / Fandango

1st Barbara Kinsman

8th 60th Anniversary Party - 8pm - 10:30

15th AGM ~ Stephen Woodcock

22nd Frances Richardson

29th Arnold Gray

November 2007

Set Dance: Sellenger's Round

5th Patrick Hunter

12th Stephen Woodcock

19th Ron Hayward

26th Les Walden


December 2007

Set Dance:

1st Christmas Party at St David's Shenley

3rd Barry Jones

10th Dick Challands

17th Stephen Woodcock (Mince Pies)

January 2008

Set Dance: Steel Hoops

7th Arnold Gray

14th Barbara Kinsman

21st Patrick Hunter

28th Phil and Cynthia stone


February 2008

Set Dance: Winter Memories

4th Jenny Prince

11th Bill Kinsman

18th Marion Davies

25th Dick Challands


March 2008

Set Dance: Phoenix Rejuvenated

3rd Liz Green

10th Phil and Cynthia stone

17th Frances Richardson (Hot Cross Buns)

24th Easter


April 2008

Set Dance: Wakefield Hunt

7th Les Walden

14th Ron Hayward

21st Jenny Prince

28th Elaine Williams



May 2008

Set Dance:

5th May Day

12th Barry Jones

19th Stephen Woodcock

Click here to download the 2007/2008 Weoley Hill proramme.

For further information please contact the secretary, Stephen Woodcock, on 0121 453 4121, (mobile 07973 860 140) or by email.

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