
First of all I'd like to thank the good Lord for surrounding me with all these wonderful folks that sent E's, URL's and such that made this whole thing come alive.........

and I would like to give special thanks to all these folks....

~*Talula: I have to give most of the credit for this page to her, she has joined me in the pursuit of a great homepage, and without her help on it, it really would not be what it is today.

Century: Her idea of the friends page, inspired my own. *KOTC*

Champ: We stole some of the html for the backdoors to the hotel from him. Thanks, Champ.

SiMpLiCiTy: I want to thank her for the poems, and stories she sent. God bless you sweetie.

Kali: Thanks for the great stories...May God be with you always...

Natural Woman: Thank you for all the stories...they are a real blessing.....God bless you...

Windy's Page Designs: This is the place where i got most of the backgrounds, and borders, if you're looking for some great borders, thats the place to'll find links to other great graphics sites at the bottom of some of the pages...

For some free Christian graphics go to Christ graphics for sharing Jesus...they even color-coordinate your page for ya.....
