Update: 2003

Ignore the dire warnings of war, terrorism, viruses and the like which are being continually broadcast on television and printed in the media.

It is PEACE which is going to break out!!

Note that the media are finally reporting on the "peace rallies" which have been taking place all over North America in recent months and increasing in volume ………… even although they are not correctly reporting the impact or importance of these protests. False poll results, which have been practised for many a long year now, are a last ditch effort to stem the tide …. If you see that the President has a favourable rating of 58%, halve that figure and you get the truer picture. The last few polls have shown exactly double the real statistic.

Dramatic changes for the better would have already taken place if the threat to detonate nuclear devices in all major American cities had not deterred those working on our behalf from making greater progress towards change, despite the fact that more powerful forces have assured them of their protection.

It will be a mixed year: the dawn is very near, and it is always darkest before the dawn ….. Go within and listen to the messages - because we ALL receive messages. If your emphasis is on the physical, it will be a year of emotional trauma; for those focused on the spiritual, and listening to their Guides. Turn inward, and look upward. Darkness cannot withstand the Light, so let your Light shine.

How times have changed since 1984 - when people scoffed openly at George Orwell’s predictions. Orwell died in 1950, just four years after writing his famous dissertation on 1984. Looking back at our (and especially my own) understanding at that time, knowledge has grown by leaps and bounds …..

Most people realize by now that the times in which we live are strange indeed: yet the majority still do not comprehend them.

It had been said that many will deny everything, even when they see it happening right before their very eyes. Or they will believe whatever they are told, without stopping to think - like the World Trade Centre destruction (the 9/11 project). True.

The Internet is bristling with frantic messages about just having woken up to what lies ahead: what do I do? where do I go? can I find others who will join me? And of course there are those who would take advantage and offer them ‘safe shelter’ for a price ………. With media reports of migratory birds and animals changing their patterns of migration, and animals in zoos behaving in strange ways, the flames of unrest are being fanned even more.

Walk …. do not run, without fear. Negative emotions have an immediate impact upon health. You will be in the ‘right’ place at the right time, and those who understand ‘death’ will meet it calmly, if that is their choice. The Churches will have no solace to offer, as they have misled their flock so completely. What are these ships in the sky, if Man is alone?

Best ensure that you are in perfect physical, mental and spiritual balance - or as close to that as you can manage: we appreciate that perfection does not exist on this plane, but at least we can strive towards it!

Weather wars - as forecast - have been underway for a long time, with tornadoes, windstorms, fires coursing through America and other places. We shall see airquakes as well as earthquakes, reflecting increasing anger, frustration and other negative emotions at ground level. Depopulation of a Planet is gathering steam; seismic activity is accelerating; weather patterns are increasingly erratic; ocean levels are rising.

What can we expect in 2003? - the Year of the Great Crystal it has been called (from the Hall of Learning in Atlantis). Technically it should be noted that 2003 is said to equate to the year 2012 in the Mayan calendar.

A mixture of positive and negative events. Quite possibly a dramatic and sudden change in lifestyles, for many. The collapse of political structures - the shadow governments of the world crumbling; stable currencies emerging, backed by precious metals; taxation of all kinds all but eliminated, bank debts zeroed-out, the people reimbursed for the worthless bank currencies of the past, and world economies stimulated. Attention would be focussed upon the environment and eco-friendly energies, as well as alternative health methods, greatly reducing the cost of health-care. There is evidence that scientists are increasingly recognizing spirituality as important in their 'scientific' considerations.

And the timing? No man doth know, but there are increased indications that May, August and/or November could be critical points in time.

Understand first of all what prophecy means - a warning of what is to come, unless mankind changes its ways. Many of the things prophesied have not taken place, or will not take place, or be diminished in scope. These are not failed prophecies: the prophecies have done their job and changed the outcome of history. There have been radical changes on Earth over the last decade or two, therefore the prophecies of the past have been greatly affected, so prophecies now can only be made with accuracy a short time before their actual predicted time.

Those who are self-sufficient, most likely living in the country, with their own vegetable garden, greenhouse and/or livestock will not be so affected by these coming changes; those who are independent, with a positive outlook on life, running their own business based on essential services will likewise have an edge over those who are mere employees, so everyone should start running a own home-based business - at least in their spare time. Barter could be a major service. Children will most likely be taught at home, or in small groups.

This is a time when many will decide to leave the physical body, as often happens just after Christmas and New Year, but on a much more intense scale. It is a time when everything will be amplified: both good and bad, so we could be in for a rough ride.

This could well be the most historic year in the entire history of Planet Earth, and this is common knowledge throughout the Cosmos: we have many visiting spectators who have come from a great distance to see what happens, as it will affect our entire galaxy - and ‘every seat is taken’! The Show has been sold out …. and it may all change in the twinkling of an eye - so don’t blink!

There are many warnings about May 2003, therefore one should anticipate the possibility of major happenings at that time. This might include earthquakes which are off the Richter Scale - which only goes up to "10", even in its modified form. Although the planet is being protected against meteor strikes, a minor one may be allowed to fall into the ocean as a wake-up call to humanity.

There could be open contact with great starships such as the Athena, Blue Star and New Jerusalem.

There have been many attempts to shift the Poles prematurely, as this would result in a major loss of population. The British tried it as far back as 1908 (it was called …. the Tunguska explosion …..)

CNN correspondent Richard Stenger reported that the North Magnetic Pole had picked up pace in its move away from Canada, having drifted for decades, and was headed for Alaska - eventually reaching Russia in all probability, at a rate of between 10km and 40km annually. A Canadian scientist, Larry Newitt of the Geological Survey of Canada, was quoted as saying it could leave Canada by 2004.

In January 2003, Whitley Strieber reported:
"The increase in the probability of sudden climate change is the result of the unexpectedly high melt (a record 9%) of arctic polar ice last melt season, coupled with equally unexpected melt off Greenland, is flooding arctic seas with fresh water. British scientists are reporting a decline in the flow of the Gulf Stream, which is crucial to maintaining a stable climate in the Northeastern US, eastern Canada and Europe.

"The crucial early warning signal that the current has stopped will be a sudden drop in water temperature at key buoys. We have added a buoy in the Gulf Stream near the UK to our Quickwatch. Should water temperature at either buoy on the Quickwatch list drop suddenly, it would be an indication of a major disruption in the Gulf Stream and impending weather changes.

"Once the currents stop, it will take profound weather changes to restart them. ... Over the short term, the weather will get much more violent. Europe will experience the most dramatic change in climate. Western Europe will get much more like Canada, with a reduced growing season and long, fearsome winters. At the least, it will become a net importer of food at a time when food supplies will be suffering worldwide weather related disruptions. At worst, northern areas will become unable to sustain their present large populations.

"Over the longer term, as world currents stop flowing, there will be a decline in atmospheric circulation, followed by ‘lethal summers’ in pollution prone areas."

There has been a shift in power which began to snowball about a year ago: the Internet has become a most powerful vehicle for the immediate exchange of information, bypassing the censored and controlled media, making it very difficult for those in power to keep their activities secret.

They in turn have countered this with depressant technologies such as mind control frequencies (HAARP and GWEN) and substances (fluoride, contrails), even persuading the public to put Ritalin in the water supply; spreading viruses in the air-conditioning systems of hotels, cruise-ships and other public places; and fear tactics, such as using mind-controlled individuals to kill indiscriminately at a given signal, or accept responsibility for acts they did not commit (Oklahoma City) or imaginary terrorists blowing up buildings (9/11), and thereby inciting the people to support the waging of war against countries possibly harbouring such ‘terrorists’ (but who were actually blocking big business interests in these countries).

Fir a fuller understanding of why this is happening and how it is done see "Depopulation of a Planet" written in 1995, but expanded with numerous cross-references for the Internet.

Nevertheless, events happen in sequence, not on specifically forecast dates, and the calendar has been drawn out much longer than had been anticipated just a decade ago, so it is more important to learn the sequence than anticipate the dates given by astrologers or others. Attitudes and emotions play a major role in forming the future scenario.

It should also be borne in mind, as mentioned elsewhere, that many of these varying scenarios may take place - but on different dimensions or realities: the question is - where will you be in 2003??

Keep your light burning - it only takes a small candle to light a whole room …..

Light in the Darkness.  Copyright: Milson Macleod 1995

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