by nezu


Part 10 ~ hane wo hirogete miyou arumi no hane ~

Dedicated to: VM-chan and the b-day author's ( I read Lady 7 and arna

too have had b-day, so OMEDETOU GOZAIMASU! ), kurara, mikiko and the

other guys who've emailed me! ^__^



- I don't love him! -

- No I don't! -

Shinya squirmed uncomfortably on his chair. He couldn't be in love with

such an mean and heartless and stupid and handsome and sexy and

charming.....JERK like Die, could he? The petite man let his drumsticks swirl.

- Why did he want to play JEALOUS of all songs? -

His heart fluttered desperately. - Maybe he means what he said....maybe

he DOES love me.... -

- No, that's not possible.........he's a man for goodness sake......he

can't be in love with you, you moron! -

- ....... -

"Shin-kun! Someone at home?!"

Shinya jerked his head up. In front of him, his friends stood and

watched him worriedly. Shinya blushed furiously. "Sorry, I guess I got

carried away there....."

Toshiya grinned, despite his attempt to cry, and patted his friend's

shoulder. "Nee Shinya, is there something you have to tell us?"

"What do you mean Toshiya?", the drummer asked fearfully.

"Oh come on! You know what I mean!", the blue-head said. "Is there

something.....or rather someone, you've been thinking about?"

"Toshiya!", Kyo tried to stop the young man, but he failed. -

Shit...poor Die... -

Shinya paled first, then blushed deep red. "NO!"

"Are you sure? You're a little bit red, nee Shin-kun?", Toshiya teased.

"Toshiya......." Kyo tried once again but was cut off.

"I'm not in love!" Shinya defended himself.

"So? Who said you're in love? I didn't even THINK you could be!", the

bassist joked.

Die, who'd been watching with a pale and hurt face, couldn't take it

anymore. He didn't want to hear that! "YAMETE!", he suddenly shouted,

surprising them all. "Stop it Toshiya......."

"Die-kun but...."

"No, just shut up Totchi, okay? I don't wanna hear that!"

Toshiya stared at him. - What's wrong with him today? -

"Toshiya is right.........", Shinya suddenly said, surprising them

again. "I'm in love......I love him.....", he whispered to himself, then he

smiled softly, beautifully.

Die felt his heart wrench in pain at this words and seeing this

wonderful smile on Shinya's lips just made him wanting to die in the next

moment. His knees felt week and he knew he was about to break down if he

wouldn't get out of here soon. He was about to leave the room, as

Shinya's voice called out his name. He stopped.

"Die.....Daisuke....I...we...", the drummer stammered.

"It's okay Shinya-san.....I'm alright, I'm sorry I bothered you in the

first place! I should have known you wouldn't feel the same......I

should have....", Die whispered embarrassedly and turned around to leave

finally, biting his lower lip to hold back his tears on his way out.

Toshiya, Kaoru and Kyo watched Shinya hurry after the red-head, with a

silly grin on his pretty face.

Toshiya was confused. "Die has feelings for Shinya?"

"Yes you moron!", Kyo hissed angrily. "And you just hurt him like hell

with your stupid questions!"

"But.....I didn't KNOW!"

Kyo sighed. "I know, I know.....shit, poor Die....."

Kaoru smiled bitterly. "I don't know if Die's so poor Kyo-kun, didn't

you see Shinya's silly smile?" - .....I'm sure he’ll get what he

wants.......not like me.... -

"You think so Kaoru-kun?"

"Yes.......lucky Die......."

Toshiya nodded agreeing. "Yeah...."




Die stepped out of the studio, lighting a cigarette and taking a deep

breath. His head spun and he felt sick. "Shit.....", he cursed, whipping

some tears away who'd managed to fall down his pale cheeks.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!", he kicked the wall right beside him and made a

face at the pain in his feet. This wall was hard. ( AN: >_<;;; ) How could

he have been so blind? Why hadn't he seen it? Somehow it'd never occurred

to him that Shinya might be in love. He'd thought that Shinya loved him

or no one, but that he loved someone else.......

The door shutting close made the red-head turn around. His breath

caught in his throat. "Shinya...!"

"Die....", Shinya panted, smiling widely.

The guitarist lowered his gaze to the ground. "What do you want...?"

Stepping forward, towards Die, Shinya's grin got wider. He was feeling

light-headed and wonderful at ease with himself. "I need to talk to


"There's nothing left to talk about're in love with

who-knows-who and I made an complete fool out of myself....."


Die opened his eyes. "What do you mean with 'no' ?"

"No, you didn't make a fool out of yourself!"

His hope crashed to the ground. Of course Shinya wouldn't deny that he

was in love.....stupid him he'd thought that for one moment. "I did.."

"No....otherwise I would never have recognised it......and I'm grateful

now I did...."

- So I'm the reason he realized he's in love? NO! That can't

be.......please say that's not true! - Die thought, the pain in his heart


"Just because you told me you'd love me, made me think and realise I'm

in love too....", Shinya continued, still smiling, although he could

see the hurt in Die's eyes. But soon he would tell him and then.....

"That's......great....." Die choked out.

Shinya, now standing in front of Die, stepped closer to the red-head.

Softly he placed one hand at Die's cheek, stroking it slowly. "I love

you Die......", he whispered, blushing slightly.


"I love you too." And then Shinya tilted Die's head towards his and

kissed him on the lips. Just an quick kiss, but long enough to make Die





"Kyaaaaa......that's so sappy-happy-crappy!", Kyo groaned and rolled

his eyes heavenwards. The three of them, Kaoru, Toshiya and him, where

standing behind the glass-door and busily watching the new-grown couple.

Inwardly, he was happy for his friends. But, of course, he wouldn't let

anyone see that.

"Are you envious Kyo-kun?", Toshiya teased, winking at him, but these

chocolate brown eyes held an mysterious glimmer of sadness in them.

"Oh come oooooon!" Kyo answered laughing, not in the least offended.

"You don't think that really, nee Toshiya? But maybe our dear Leader-sama

is envious, see, he can't tear his gaze off them!", and the blond

vocalist pointed to the purple-head, who indeed was watching the couple with

great interest.

Toshiya felt a pang of jealousy at his heart. Was Kaoru really envious?

Unsure he eyed him.

"What?!", Kaoru exclaimed as he sensed being watched by his two

friends. Putting on his emotionless mask, he walked past them, just turning

around to see them standing there dumbfounded. Then Kyo seemed to

restrain himself and quickly followed him back into the studio, Toshiya right




comments: well......umm....not an exactly long part again. Gomen nasai.

^^;;;;; I can't think of very much right now, because I'm busy with

driving through the streets with my new-passed driving licence ^___^/

*jumpsupanddown* Anyway's I'm happy now that Shinya and Die seem to have

their misunderstandings out of the way......will that stay like that or

not? I'm asking myself because I don't know it yet too. *laughs* well,

comments would be really appreciated! Like always, nee? ^_~

Quote: ~ spread your wings and see aluminium wings ~

~ to be continued

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