The Island

By Crystal Mullins



The bare feet patted down the hall quickly. Shinya kept his eyes forward to avoid the glares and sneers of the other residents. He kept his eyes down and tucked his hair behind his ear. He knew why everyone hated him, he just wished his beloved was a resident like he was.

He knocked a single time on the door, signifying that it was he at the door.

"Come in!"

Shinya opened the door and walked in slowly, closing the door behind himself.

"Shinya, what’s wrong?" Die waved him to sit down in the chair in front of his desk.

Shinya only shrugged and sighed. He looked at his feet as he rubbed them over the soft carpet, it was much softer than the one in his room.

Die stood up quickly and walked around to wrap his arms around Shinya from behind, leaning against the chair. He nuzzled his face into his hair and kissed the side of his neck. "Tell me… It’s the other residents again, isn’t it? They won’t leave you alone?"

Shinya nodded and ducked his head farther so his chin almost touched his chest. Die lifted his face and kissed his lips gently.

"Move into my room with me. I run this place, so it’s not a problem…"

He saw Shinya start to emotionally back away from him and quickly pressed his lips over his, licking a trail around his mouth. Shinya moaned and pressed against him. Die took Shinya’s hand with some resistance and pressed it against his own hardening groin. Shinya gasped at feeling how tense it was beneath his fingers.

"Everyday, we can have this at any time we want… everyone knows anyway. And you won’t have to wear these blue clothes anymore, I can buy you beautiful clothes in any color you want! You can eat those delicious meals I sneak you at any time of day and sleep beside me all night!"

Shinya pulled back and stared at Die’s desperate face. He squeezed his palm over Die and heard him choke in the back of his throat. He jerked his hand away and quickly hugged him. "Yes! Yes, of course I will!"


It was midnight when the drugs fully wore off and left Toshiya shivering and totally awake. He was in the center of the bed, propped against the headboard and the one thin pillow with his arms wrapped around himself shuttering in the cold and in fear of what would happen now.

The shadow of a guard came through the window closest to the door as they passed. The dark figure made him shutter more until he finally couldn’t take it anymore and slipped out of the bed. Afraid that if he stood still something would grab for his ankles, like a small child waking in the middle of the night to use the toilet, he rushed to the bathroom and flicked on the light.

It was as lifeless as the other room with a simple clear shower curtain and gray tile floors. The walls matched. There was a pedestal sink with a mirror above it. The mirror opened up to a medicine cabinet. Opening it there was nothing but toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, face soap and one of those weekly vitamin containers complete with vitamins.

He clicked it shut and ran the water on cold, splashing it on his face. He looked up at himself. He had bags under his eyes and no makeup. He ran a finger down his cheek, wishing he had some lotion when he felt the itchy feeling of dry skin.

His skin was moistened as a tear dripped down his face. He knew he shouldn’t have been in those files, but wasn’t everyone attracted to things they shouldn’t do or places they shouldn’t be? What was going to happen to him…?


Kaoru walked casually to Toshiya’s quarters. He had been woken from his sleeping in by Die who told him Toshiya had not yet been seen around the compound and he wanted Kaoru to check on him. It made sense of course, if medical help was needed Kaoru could help him immediately.

It had been almost noon when Kaoru had been woken up. He usually woke up early, perhaps seven or eight o’clock but he hadn’t been able to sleep. From his room at the far curve of the bay he could see over the whole compound. He had been out on his balcony when he saw a light in the distance going on. He could tell right where it was coming from. It was the only light on in the compound. It had watched it until dawn… but it still hadn’t gone out. That was when he finally dragged himself to his bed and fell asleep almost as soon as he hit the pillow.

Kaoru knocked on the oak door and waited for an answer. He didn’t hear any sound coming from inside the room and knocked again, louder.

When again there wasn’t an answer he bit his lip and quickly entered.

The blankets from the bed were thrown back the same Toshiya left them. The light from the bathroom was still on though the room was full of light from the windows.

"Toshiya, are you in here?" Kaoru called and walked towards the bathroom. He gasped as he entered the room and dropped in front of Toshiya on the floor. There was a razer at his side and his arms curled in towards his stomach.

Kaoru grabbed his arm and looked at the wrist, nothing. He grabbed the other one, there was only a thin scratch across the surface of the skin, mostly only a red line.

Toshiya blinked and a fat tear ran down his cheek and dripped off his jaw. "That damn disposable razor wouldn’t barely break the skin. I thought it would… gush blood when I first cut but… there was only a tiny trickle." He absantly ran the tip of his fingernail over the red that had slithered down the side of the wrist.

"Jesus, Toshiya." Kaoru pulled him to his feet where he leaned on the counter and wrapped the square face towel around his wrist.

"I don’t really need that." Toshiya said, he sounded half asleep.

Kaoru pulled it away to look at the wrist again. He was right, it was only a scratch. He pulled Toshiya into the bedroom and walked over to the dresser. He pulled out a long-sleeved shirt despite the hot day. "Put this on. If that see that wrist they’ll take you to psychiatric. Believe me, you don’t want to go there. Now go on, don’t be late for breakfast."

Toshiya just stood and blinked at him. The only place on the entire island he knew was his room. He hadn’t left it since he arrived.

Kaoru sighed and walked out the door. "Come on. I’ll show you."

They walked on the sidewalk as curious eyes watched Toshiya. He ducked his head and frowned. Back home he was never looked at, except by the occasional man that thought Toshiya was a woman and wanted some action... He kept to himself and walked with his head down, his hands in his pockets. When he got noticed it usually turned out pretty bad. He gulped and sped up so now he wasn’t walking behind but next to Kaoru.

Kaoru glanced at him. He liked this boy’s profile. He had a thin nose and thin lips and perfect skin. His eyelashes were shadowing his eyes as he watched the ground. Kaoru was so focused on the boy’s face he didn’t notice Toshiya was now looking at him and they had stopped walking.

"Where are we?" He hardly remembered how they had gotten there, except for traces of water. "If I did something wrong shouldn’t I be in prison?"

Kaoru only pouted and waved signaled with his hand. "It’s right through there." He pointed to a building in front of them. "It’s where you’ll have all your meals. You can ask another resident where you can and can’t go. I have to go to work." He left as fast as he could without breaking out into a run.


Kyo poked at the dried out beef patty with his fork and grimaced. "This is disgusting. Usually I like disgusting things… but I don’t have to eat them. I’d rather have that plastic-looking spagetti we had yesterday."

Yoshiki glanced at him and raised his eyebrow. "At least it keeps us from eating too much so we don’t get fat."

"Yea, I’d love to wake up in the middle of the night and be able to raid a refrigerator… Hey, look!" Kyo dropped his fork and knelt on his chair. He pointed to the door, half the room looked up as well as the door opened.

Toshiya walked in shyly and padded over to the food line. He hated not having any shoes to wear and wiggled his toes as he stood in the line. He tried not to look at the people around the room, though many stopped looking at him already.

"Let’s go talk to him!" Kyo said excited and jumped up to walk over. Normally a new person wouldn’t interest him but this was the first one in a year that was under fifty. Yoshiki reached for him but he moved too fast. Shaking his head, he stood up and followed.

"Hi." Kyo said and leaned on the railing that kept everyone single-file in the line.

Toshiya jumped and looked over. "Hi." He said meekly and turned back to face the line.

"The food’s pretty gross but you get used to it." Kyo said and watched his face for a reaction. He didn’t get one.

Yoshiki strolled up and gave Kyo a stern look before smiling at Toshiya. "Hello, sorry about Kyo he’s naturally rude. I’m Yoshiki." He held out his hand. Toshiya bit his lip and hesitantly shook it.


Die sauntered up behind his new room mate and wrapped his arms around the impossibly tiny waste. He licked the nearest ear and made a sound like a cat with cream. He rubbed his naked groin against the bare white skin in front of him. "Shinya… I could touch this skin for hours."

Shinya giggled from where he stood in front of the walk-in closet that Die had promised to fill with tons of beautiful clothes for him. "You already did." He reached his arm back and stoked the tanned cheek. "Don’t you have to work?" He whispered and leaned his head on the muscled shoulder.

"I finished it all yesterday, I can take the day off." Die said quickly as he scooped up the small man, almost falling as he realized he was heavier than he looked.

Shinya found himself resting in the lean arms and settled, feeling something poking him below where he was held. "Again?" He faked shock and despite how willing he was blatantly becoming Die could feel his exhaustion; after all he hadn’t let him sleep the entire night. Shinya’s tiny arms were shaking as they took so much effort simply to hold around Die’s neck. They definitely needed to make a gym for the residents.

A smile grazed Die’s features as he watched Shinya’s eyes drift shut then fly back open as he tried to remain awake. Die set him down on the bed just as the first rays of light started to invade the room. The residents must be eating, it kept them on their toes if he made them wake up so early, they could do more work during the day. Die pulled shut the curtains and crawled up beside his sleeping paramour.

He frowned as he looked down at the sheets. They were at the foot of the bed and it was chilly in the room. As he touched the sheets he realized the material was a little hard in some spots that had gotten wet earlier and then dried… and some of the sheets were still damp from sweat.

As he rose to get some fresh linen he tickled Shinya’s foot, watching him twitch in his sleep and turn away. He couldn’t remember being so happy since he came to that damned island. Who would have ever thought he would fall for a resident?


"Don’t go down that way." Yoshiki grabbed Toshiya’s arm and held him away from the walkway. "That leads to the officers and guards rooms and the record halls. You’ll get thrown in the hole for going that way."

Toshiya peered down the hall. "Wouldn’t they have all the island secrets that way?" He asked himself quietly.

"Yes." Kyo grumbled. "Yoshiki," He smacked his lover’s chest. "won’t let me sneak down there."

Yoshiki covered the man’s mouth and looked around. "Don’t talk about it, don’t even think about it. Do you know what would happen if they found you down there? Come on."

They started to walk but Toshiya lingered a moment. "I bet it says how to get off the island…"

Kyo stopped and looked back, "The only way to get off if by helicopter, the same way everyone gets on the island."


"There is no but!" Yoshiki hissed. "Come on!"

Kyo pulled away from the grasp and walked to Toshiya. "But what?"

Toshiya whispered excitedly, "Wouldn’t there be records about security? It probably says how to disarm the security systems."

"I said no!" Yoshiki grabbed their arms and pulled them along. "Don’t even think about it. Look…" He whispered.

Toshiya looked up. From down the hall Kaoru was watching them curiously.


Kaoru made a curious sound in the back of his throat and pressed the binoculars closer to his eyes. He unconsciously licked his lips as Toshiya slipped his shirt off over his head and then moved his hands to undo… Wait! What was he doing?

Pulling down the binoculars he sighed. He couldn’t listen to his lust, the boy was up to something! Something big, so was that Kyo and Yoshiki. He didn’t trust any of them! Enough was enough! He was going to have a talk with that Toshiya, and tell him exactly what was expected of the residents!


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