Room 304, Diety Hall

Author: Yukimi2

Comment: this is even shorter than part 43 ^^;;; Don't' worry, It'll get longer. And the next part is very hentai (for us hentai people ^^;), but I hope you Enjoy =)

Episode 44: If Morita Insists….

Miyabi and Kaoru walked across the lot on High Street the next day. Kaoru invited Miyabi out to shop because of Miyabi's gloomy mood. Kaoru didn't' like to see his friends so sad.

They both entered the costume shop, which was empty because it was Saturday morning.

"Ne, kaoru," Miyabi began. "What are you thinking of being at the ball?"

"You mean, what am I dressing as?"


Kaoru thought about it. "You know… I don't' know…. What about you?"

"Me? oh, I don't know." Miyabi blushed. "I'm not sure if I'd look good in any of this." He waved at the clothes on the racks. "I cant' afford much right now either."

"there's a rack of clearance materials over there, I'm sure you can afford it." Kaoru dragged a reluctant Miyabi over to the corner.

"Maa~! These costumes wouldn't fit me very well."

"How about this Catwoman costume?" Kaoru suggested and shoved it toward the younger man.

Miyabi flushed ans hook his head. "Gomen, kaoru-kun. It's not me. besides, I haven't got the legs for it."

Kaoru frowned, but took the costume back and examined it. The truth was, the costume would fit Toshiya VERY well. Kaoru's frown grew deeper. Why was he thinking of toshiya? He purposely woke up early so he wouldn't have to face Toshiya and the coffee. He just wasn't' in the mood for that.

"Kaoru-kun, daijyoubou?" Miyabi asked.

Kaoru blinked and recovered himself. "Oh. Daijoubou." He smiled.

Miyabi smiled back, then handed him a costume. "Here. Try this on, I think you'll like it."

Kaoru stared at it and blinked. "you don't think this is too much?"

Miyabi shook his head. "no, no. please try it on."

"Well, if you want me to, then you try something too."


"Here." Kaoru grabbed a random hanger and handed it to Miyabi.

Five minutes later, kaoru and Miyabi emerbed from their dressing stalls and stared at each other. Miyabi giggled and pointed at kaour.

Kaoru pouted and stared at himself. He was searing a ridiculous mouse costume. Now he really looked like a Rat Face. "I don't hink I can go to the Ball like this." Kaoru said.

"Don't worry. There are other costumes out there." Miyabi picked up a wig that came with his costume set and tried it on. He fixed it and smoothed out the hair. He turned around and smiled at kaoru. "SO, how does this look?"

kaoru stared at him and stopped breathing. Miyabi had a dark black wig that framed his pale face delicately. The white costume fit his round himps snuggle, except it was so long on him that the skirt pooled on the ground. The headdress shone gold under the yellow dressingroom lights and Miyabi looked perfect in the Cleopatra costume.

~To-tochi…~ Kaoru thought dazedly.

Miyabi looked just like him. How strange, but kaoru suddenly felt guilty for leavin the dorm early and avoiding Toshiya. It was hearless, but Kaoru wished that Toshiya was the one standing in front of him and smiling at him like that. He wished he and Toshiya were at the coffee shop having a warm cup of black coffee.

"kaoru-kun? Kaoru? KAORU!!"

Kaoru blinked and stared at Miyabi. "Huh?"

Miaybi sighed. "kaoru, are you sure you're OK? Maybe what you need is coffee."

"OH. Coffee. Right…." Kaoru nodded.

Miyabi sighed again. "Alright. I'm going to buy this. Are you getting that?"

"….no….." kaoru went back to the dressing room. "Gomen, Miyabi. I'm just tired."

"I understand. Do you want to go to the coffee shop?"



Toshiya stretched his arms and yawned like a cat. He blinked and turned to his side. The bed beside him was empty. Toshiya felt his heart sink. Kaoru was usually asleep at the time, and the blue head often watched him sleep.

The blue head sighed and got up. His head ached and he felt as if he never really got any sleep. He decided to go to the coffee shop and have some coffee. Maybe coffee would lift his sinking heart.


ayumi watched Morita and his friends stroll into Oxley's café. She was hiding in the bushes just watching and admiring the rich preppy boy.

Ayumi sighed. ~Soon… my love. You'll be mine… just you wait…~

Ayumi suddenly had an image of her and Morita walking down the isle of a chapel. She saw Toshiya on the side, wearing black and bawling his eyes out.

"Oh, Morita-sama. How could you? I thought you loved me." Toshiya sobbed.

Morita swiftly raised his hand commanding silence. "Quiet, Toshiya! I never loved you! I always loved Ayumi." He turned to ayumi and held her hand. "Ayumi, you're my one and only. I'll love you forever and ever."

Ayumi squealed in excitement at her daydream, but her happiness didn't' last long. She suddenly heard Morita yelling words of endearment across the lot. Ayumi frowned when he saw Toshiya standing there.

Toshiya had his arms crossed on his chest and his facial expression indicated annoyance and irritation. "What do you want?"

Morita grinned. "you know what I want, Toshiya-baby." He winked.

Toshiya merely shook his head and brushed past him. He went inside the coffee shop and sat on the corner. Unfortunately, Morita followed him. Ayumi went inside and crept to the table beside the blue head.

"Baby, I love it when you play hard to get." Morita cajoled.

Toshiya picked up a meny and pretended to concentrate. ~Ignore… ignore…. Ignore…~ he chanted in his head.

Morita suddenly grabbed the menu and tossed it over his shoulder, hitting Ayumi square on the face. He didn't notice and quickly scooted toward Toshiya until Toshiya was cornered into the wall.

"Morita, what are you---." Toshiya stammered.

Morita trapped the blue head to the wall by placing his hands on either side of his head. He grinned mischievously as Ayumi fumed behind them.

"C'mon, baby. Come to the ball with me. it'll be great. We can get to know each other better."

"No, morita. How many times do I have to tell you that I am NOT interested in you and I am NOT a girl! I am a MAN! I have NO BREASTS! I HAVE A PENIS!!!!!!"

The coffee shop grew quiet. Toshiya looked about and saw everyone staring at them. he sank in his chair and burned red in embarrassment.

Morita smiled to the spectators. "Don't worry about us. My girlfriend's just being delusional."

Ayumi glared at Toshiya while Toshiya fumed. "I am NOT his girlfriend." Toshiya said.

"Awww.. she's so happy she's denying it." Morita explained. "Honey… I'm as happy as you are abou tthis too. How about we talk about our plans for the masquarade ball?"

"I AM NOT GOING WITH YOU!!!!!" Toshiya exclaimed.

"*gasp* why are you saying such things?"

"Because he's coming with me!" a deep voice thundered across the café.

Everyone turned to see Hakuei glaring at Morita.

Takeo, Jun, and Kohta, who were also in the café, sat on their seats and watched the scene as if it were some J-drama.

"Wow." Kohta whistled. "This is getting interesting."

Jun blinked. "But I thought Toshiya and Hakuei broke up during summerimte."

"Let's watch and see." Takei said as he munched on some chips.

Morita turned to Toshiya. "You're going with that bastard?"

Toshiya looked from Hakuei to Morita, then back to hakuei. Toshiya remembered the flowers and Hakuei's sweet message on the card. Most of all, he remembered kaoru asking Miyabi to the ball. Slowly and reluctantly, Toshiya nodded. "yeah."

Morita whirled around angrily and stood up, attempting to tower Hakuei, but failing to do so. Hakuei merely smiled smugly at the frat boy.

Morita snorted. "you think you're so tough, eh? Well1 I'm not gonna let you touch my Toshiya without a fight."

Hakuei raised an eyebrow and looked at Toshiya for permission.

Toshiya pouted; he hated fights, but he looked at Morita's over-confident expression. Hell. That boy needed a beating anyway. Toshiya gave Hakuei a thumbs up and the blonde dragged Morita to a fight outside.

"Toshiya's actually letting them fight?" Jun asked in surprise.

"I assume it's because he wants Morita off his case." Takeo explained. "Besides, Hakuei will win anyway."

"Uh-ho." Kohta tugged Takeo's sleeve. "Lookie over there." He pointed at the other end of the café.

Among the spectators were Kaoru and Miyabi, whom saw the whole thing.

"My, my, my…." Takeo said. "I do believe that's Kaoru and Miyabi."

Kaoru and Miyabi stood side by side with shopping bags in their hands. Takeo observed Miyabi's shocked and pained expression, which was expected, but he also noticed Kaoru's down-trodden and disturbed face. Takeo raised an eyebrow. ~Highly unexpected. Very unexpected indeed.~ But Takeo searched the face even more and realized that it mad sense.

Takeo shook his head and chuckled to himself.

"Eh?" Kohta asked. "what's so funny?"

"Nothing." Takeo gave a goofy grin. "Just that Kaour's finally figured out something he should've realized a year ago."

Kohta thought about it then nodded. He sipped some coffee. "This is gonna be one interesting ball."

CONTD @ ~ Episode 45: Bathroom Break


to be continued~

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