As a child I would sometimes play a game
with my friends in the evening after School
and all the chores were done.
The game is called:

"Mother, May I?"

Today I wonder, if this game could
ever be played on a grander scale,
at this,
a more complicated time?

Mother, May I?

May I tell you of another time?
May I open my soul and allow you
see what's on the inside?

May I say to you in all honesty
the things that make up the thoughts
of my mind?

Mother, May I?

May I show you of my dreams,
dreams that may never come true?
May I let you see the love that
is often worn
to close in plain view?

May I reveal my heart,
the heart that beats only for you?

My Love, May I?

May I know that you would still be there,
if you could know this much?


If I could allowed these feelings,
thoughts and dreams to show,
then you would know me as
no other
has ever known me.

May I?

Think about it!

Is there someone you may wish to know this well?

Oh but to live again in a more simple time,

when love was innocent

and hearts

beat true.

Written by Troy Windom


Background set by Themla and Louise
