"Forgive the people who were there WITH you,
but were never there FOR you."


I've heard of a rose that blooms at night,
It's beauty, beyond compare.

No one see's because they sleep
while it's petals become so fair.

Then at dawn the rose is gone,
without a sign of life,
until the night it will lie in fright.
Because the days
won't feel it's glow,

You Are The Rose.

The night has past, the fright is past,
these are new days in front of you.

New ones to care, new words to hear
so let your beauty bear.

If for none but me.

Then let me see how soft your touch can be,
until the day can open it's eyes
and see your beauty fair.

Written by Troy Windom for Eve.


If you came here from
"A chasing of the Winds"
to return

Photography and graphics by Eve.