1. Saving the Planet, by Lester Brown, Christopher Flavin and sandra Postel
2. Plan B, 2.0, by Lester Brown
3. The Destruction of California, by Raymond Dasmann
4. GAIA: An Atlas for Planet Management, by Dr Norman Myers
5. An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore
6. Blue/Gold AND The Blue Covenant, by Maude Barlow
7. The World According to Pimm, by Stewart Pimm
8. The Green festivals reader, by Keven Danaher and Alisa Gravitz
9. Food First, by Francis Morre Lappe'
10. Diet for a New America, by John Robbins
11. The European Dream, by Jeremy Rifkin
12. If you Love this Planet, by Helen Caldicott
13. The Green Collar Economy, by Van Jones
14. The Chaos Point, by Ervin Laszlo
15. The Long Emergency, by James Howard Kunstler
16. Preparing for the 21st Century, by Paul Kennedy
17. The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, by David Korten