The Buzzby Adventures
    With VCMC temporarily on hiatus, a new group joined together against Paula's open-mindedness:  the Angry Close-Minded Liberals.  ACML, as they called themselves, thought that Paula was not liberal enough and hated that she encouraged critical thinking.  Of course, they hated VCMC too, but felt that their close-mindedness at least showed conviction.  So while they hoped to also destroy VCMC, they thought Paula a more immediate and dangerous threat.  Thanks to a spy deep within VCMC, they also knew about Buzzby--at least Charlatan's version--and agreed with VCMC's tactic of going into Paula's house when she was at work.  However, they decided to try to change her "naturally" by spiking her filtered ice water with a LSD and heroine mix.
     Flaming Feminazi immediately insisted on going in first, angered by Paula's insistence on non-sexist ideas.  (Flaming thought all males should be enslaved or destroyed and any females who disagreed should be treated as traitors.)  Flaming, a Komodo dragon, could breathe fire and trash anyone with her powerful tail.  Because of her easily triggered anger and deadly power, all the other ACML members--especially the males--agreed with her going in first.
     About a month into VCMC's hiatus, Flaming broke into Paula's house while she was gone for the day.  Baby, Breezy, and Buddy immediately confronted her.  First Buddy tried his super sweetness attack, putting on his best "cute" look.  However, this just enraged the male-hating Flaming, so she smacked him with her tail, knocking him unconscious.
     "Uh!  I hate it when guys do that!  They act so sweet and adorable, but just when you fall for it, they turn around and stab you in the back!  UGGGH!"  Flaming screamed.
     Hearing this and seeing Buddy's unconscious body, Breezy became enraged and ran straight for the lizard.  "Ya want stabbed in the back?  I'll stab ya wit my bunny teeth, ya man-hating freak!"
     Flaming laughed at Breezy's taunt, swinging around and smacking him with her powerful tail.  Breezy flew across the room, banging into the refrigerator, then falling to the floor unconscious.  Baby stood upright, trying to use her mesmerizing bunny stare on the angry lizard.  Flaming hissed, concentrating to keep her mind and body active.
     "What are you doing?  You're a female!  You should be helping me destroy these useless males, not fighting to protect them!  Males only want one thing and I'm sure that little white bunny has annoyed you to death wanting it!  If we joined together, I know we could defeat any male or male-loving females!  Join me and we can rule the country!"
     "You're a fool," Baby began.  "All males are not bad just as all females are not good.  I think your hate belies a deeper truth:  you feel truly alone and are trying to reassure yourself that you are not the reason..."
     Flaming became enraged by Baby's words, causing the flames inside her to grow.  "I'll stop your ridiculous lies, you traitorous female!"  With that pronouncement, Flaming let loose with a huge flame directed at Baby.
    Baby responded with a long, deep snort, breaking the flames down into harmless smoke.  "You need to listen!  I don't want to kill you, but I will protect my friends and mom.  There has to be someone out there, friends and family, who can ease your pain.  I sense that deep down your true self is a sensitive, beautiful creature who has been consumed and walled-off by hate.  If you could just renounce your hate and get in touch with your inner self, I even think we could be friends."
     Flaming fell silent and flameless, shocked by Baby's offer of friendship.  She turned and left the house, determined to analyze herself and the root of her hate.  She too felt that pain and love had somehow become twisted into hate.  Just as Flaming left, Buddy began to come to, groggily trying to make sense of his semi-conscious state.  Baby turned her attention to Breezy, grooming him until he started to come to.
     "What da heck happened?"  Breezy asked.
     "Yeah, do I have to eat that huge lizard?"  Buddy asked groggily.
     "There's no dead lizard for you to eat, Buddy, but I'll have to explain later.  It's a good thing though, because mom's due home any second.  So let's get everything back to 'normal' right away!"  Baby finished her statement as she helped Breezy back into their cage, closing the door behind them.  "It could actually be that we have a new friend, but it's too soon to tell.  Oh my, I hear mom pulling into the driveway...we gotta start acting like 'normal'!"
     Baby and Breezy huddled in their cage, resting after their intense fight.  Buddy waited at the door--trying to act normal--and concentrated on ignoring the soreness he still felt from the fight.
      "Oh," Buddy whispered, "thanks A LOT for not making me eat that huge lizard!"
     "Sure Buddy," Baby whispered, chuckling softly.