In memory of Baby Totoro Bruce
October 1998-June 2003

Goodbye Baby

Goodbye, Baby;
I'm so sad that you're gone.
You weren't here for anywhere near too long.
I wish you were here but I know you're now in kingdom come,
Looking down on us now as our angel bun.
Hope to see you again when I get up there too,
With Breezy, Buddy, and Buffy--the kitty you barely knew.
In memory of Breezy Blanco Bruce
May 2000 - August 2004

Breezy Boy

Another loss, so hard to take,
why did I have to lose my second bun;
He was sweet and funny with the attitude that led to nothing but fun;
I know you're with Baby, so you're back with your mate;
I just hope to see you again and that your Buddy and Buffy still have a long way until that fate.
A saying that is so directly relevant that I had to include it:
(copyright info included--)