Thisinvestigation took place at the Indian Pass Raw Bar.  This building belongs to Jennifer and Meredith's family and was built in the early 1900's but the land is known to have been the home of Indians who once inhabited the area.  While scouting for locations last weekend Jim (their father) sat down and told about strange things that have happened in the building.  Things would fly off the shelves...not fall...but fly.  Matter of fact, the night PPI was there people were asking if we were there because of what had happened just before we arrived.  They were waiting to put some shrimp in the steamer, noone was standing at the counter, and the whole tray of shrimp just flew off the counter.  There is a large room next door that is now used for storage, but when the building was first constructed it was the tea room for Jenn and Mere's great grandmother Gypsy...later it became the real estate office for their mother who confessed that she felt watched constantly.  Things would be situated one way, and when she'd return they would be in different places.  There are a couple of workers who have refused to go in there by themselves, not because they felt threatened, but because they were just plain ole' scared.  Are the hauntings caused by the indian spirits or are they the deceased McNeill relatives... That's where PANHANDLE PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS step in.

We didn't get too many paranormal pictures that night, but you'll find what happened off camera was more impressive.  Most of the paranormal activity occured through our equipment.  Voices were heard in the baby monitors that were placed in the tea room and we're still trying to rule out all possibilites on what made the motion detector go off.  Also, we had sporatic EMF readings that seemed to coincide with strong blasts of cold air moving throughout the building.  An apparition was seen in the backroom by Meredith and Kenny and the strong smell of cinnamon rolls baking was smelled in part of the hallway.  It has now been discovered that Gypsy loved to bake and made the best cinnamon rolls.  Was this her welcoming us to verify her existance, or was it pure coincidence...we'll let you decide.
No anomalies in this picture, but the rods felt different here than in any other location where we've used them.  This is Cathy stating how strange they felt in her hands.
Bright blue orb captured by Cathy
Moving Orb over the red truck
Wonder who this is above the Raw Bar?
Investigation Report