Decepticon Junkers

Spare parts for your legions! Rebuild your mighty Decepticons HERE!

Please note: All of these completely disassembled to facilitate ease of use in repairs. As a general rule I will only sell specific body parts, not entire corpses. If you need me to part anything out more specifically (ie one panel off an arm), please let me know!

NameBody part/descriptionPrice
tailfin w/mount$2
wing right-no stickers$3
arm left$2
leg panel right-C7 stickers, no stress marks$4
white leg panel$2
chestpiece (metal)$2
chestplate (plastic)$2
arm left-totally unbroken$2
stinger-almost no chrome, unbroken$1
Bonecrusher (G1)head$1
backplate w/Devastator mount$3
arm right$1
foot left$1
foot right$1
Brawlchestpiece w/intact head$4
chest gestalt mount-intact$3
turret gun-intact$4
arm left$2
arm right$2
Buzzsaw/Laserbeakleg left (C8 stickers)$3
leg right$3
intact Buzzsaw body (no head)$5
Galvatrontorso w/intact head and working electronics$10
arm left (shoulder pad)$3
arm left (purple piece)$4
arm left (hand w/mounts)$3
arm left (tread w/mounts, C8 sticker)$3
arm right (shoulder pad)$3
arm right (purple piece)$4
arm right (hand w/mounts)$3
arm right (tread w/mounts, C8 sticker)$3
battery cover$5
handle wheel$2
waist pad left$2
waist pad right$2
metal leg mount$2
inner leg left$1
outer leg left$2
inner leg right$1
outer leg right$2
arm left$3
arm right$3
crane assembly with intact hook$6
chestpiece w/C8+ stickers$4
Mixmasterbackpiece w/nozzle for mixing drum$1
launcher tab and spring$1
main torso w/head$1
chestplate-minor paint wear, C8 stickers$1
arm left$1
arm right$1
front leg piece-C7 chrome$1
rear leg piece-C7 chrome$1
cab-C8 sticker, both wheels intact$1.50
grill-no chrome, unbroken$.50
Overbiteshark head w/jaw$3
robot legs$2
main body right w/unbroken fin mount$3
arm left$2
arm right$2
head (unbroken)$4
Sinnertwinintact head$4
chest piece$1
back piece-both creature legs and creature heads intact$2
arm left$2
upper legs (blue)$1
back part of lower legs w/both creature legs intact$2
Vortexchestplate (plastic)$1
grey chestpiece$1
chest gestalt connector peg$2
rotor mount$2

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