Calico Persian Cats:

Pookie's Secret Corner

This page is devoted to calico Persian cats and the best calico Persian cat of them all, Pookie. What are calico Persian cats? Persian is a type of long haired cat. They tend to be more particular than the average cat. I know Pookie washes herself every time anyone touches her she doesn't like as if to get the cooties off. Calico refers to the mixture of colors. Some colors can be cream, red, orange, gray, or black with a white undercoat. Pookie is cream, orange, and gray with a white undercoat. She won't let me take a picture of her, so the colors on the cat below look like Pookie except Pookie has long hair that mops the floor (shhh! Don't tell her Pookie's Pal sneaked this picture of another cat here!)

Light a candle

Pookie passed away quietly in Pookie's Pal's arms of kidney failure
Wednesday, January 5th, 2005 at 7:05 pm EST
age 9 years, 7 months

No time spent with a cat is wasted

[Catiquette] [How to Adopt a Person] [Cat Stories]

NOTE: More stories to come later in memory of Pookie such as just missing several major hurricanes and living in subzero weather with just a propane heater (Cats have 9 lives for real!)

NEW:Got a cat story to tell? Tell it here for publication on Pookie's site! Prrrrrfect;)

IMPORTANT LINK:How to give a cat a pill. A new window will open.

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Please email Pookie's Pal,calpercat at if you have any suggestions for keeping a cat off the computer or any other advice/tips for publication on this site. She needs all the help she can get!

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copyright 1998,1999,2000, 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005, 2006,2007,2008 Pookie

Webmistress: DeeMar Communications

Last update: 4 May 2008

Background courtesy of Fantasyland Graphics
Cat graphic courtesy of Catstuff