The above plaque was made by Simone for my Darkie, if you have lost a loved one click on the plaque and Simone will make one for you.

This is a plain simple page. Mainly, because my Dman was a simple dog. He loved, he played, he lived.

Jaa, my son, Hannah and Ashton, my cats, and I are facing a great void in our lives. On May 7 we lost Darkie. Chances are most of you have already seen my pages and will recall that Darkie was our dog.

Jaa was outside playing toss and fetch with Darkie when he came inside to use the bathroom. In about that same moment, one of the nightly joggers came running by our house. This was a person that Darkie was very familiar with and sometimes even jogged beside for the length of a couple houses, never going far from home. Sadly, in Darkie's excitement of seeing a friend and wanting to say hello he darted out into the street....and into the direct path of a truck.

There were no squealing tires. The truck was not speeding, but there was no way he could have avoided my dog. Darkie, came running into the house as if nothing happened so I assured the driver that Darkie was okay and not to let it trouble his mind. It wasn't til moments later that I heard the gurgling breaths he was taking and then felt of his ribs and knew his lungs were punctured. Please forgive me for my graphicness, I just want everyone to know that my dog was whole and in one piece. He just had massive internal damage.

Darkie did not suffer long. I happened to be on the internet and icq'd my sister to come over and get my son. My beautiful dog died in my arms with a kennel owner here to offer whatever services and comfort she could. I told him over and over how much he was loved and what a wonderful friend he had been. Of course, tears flowed freely from my eyes and later from my entire families eyes, including my parents and siblings in another state and my grandparents and aunt in another city. Darkie was an obviously well loved animal. Many people in this small town have come up to me and hugged me on the street.

Darkie may be gone, but his love for me will never be forgotten. His love for my son will never be forgotten. And his love for my cats won't either. My house is quiet, it has only been a week. The cats can't figure out where their playmate is...oh I think they know he is gone, they just don't understand why.

Darkie is resting peacefully on some farm land that a friend, the kennel owner, has. He used to love to run and play on her land and she watched him for me sometimes when I made a rare trip that he couldn't come on. I can't thank her enough for being there for me in my time of need.

So, go give your fur and non-fur babies a hug. They all have a new angel now. A wonderful angel we'll know as Darkie.

My mom, being the poetic thing that she is, was recently struck with a moment of thought on my special Dman and before she knew it she had typed out these words of love to my dog, whom's absence still leaves a hole in my heart.

D-man (Darkie)

He was only a fuzz ball,
black fur, paws and all.
With his ferocious little barks,
he was already stealing hearts.

A loyal playmate he soon became,
the boy who loved him joined in the game.
The mom who cared for him and kept him near,
opened her heart and thought him so dear.

In the fields out back he would romp and play,
but from the home he loved he would never stray.
A neighbor he knew did pass his way,
in his joy and excitement in his yard he did not stay.

Across the road he ran to the friend,
never knowing shortly his life would end.
With a bounce and a bark of hello,
an on coming car delivered the fatal blow.

He runs to his home and loved ones,
to say his good-byes before his time is done.
In his moms' arms he is held and cried for,
pass-on our D-man, go to the angels, and hurt no more.


On a personal level, I found a couple ways to help deal with my grief. First, I never hid my grief, if it mean crying at work so be it. Secondly, I talked freely of what happened, not shockingly most people i know feel the same way of their fur babies. Thirdly, but not leastly, I bought a 10x13 frame with cut outs for multiple pics and i filled it up with my Dman. It now proudly hangs in the livingroom across from my son's 10x13 school picture.

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