Welcome to Petsburgh Graphics!

Petsburgh is a web community dedicated to Pets, Friendship, and all around fun.

So come on in and take a look around. I am sure you will find something here that you like, and if you don't please feel free to email me and let me know what you need. I am sure that the Petsburgh Graphics Team can accomadate you and your needs.


I would like to thank Denton Lund for the permission to use his artwork . Please make sure that you take the time to visit his on-line gallery.

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All of the background sets were created by Petsburgh Community Leaders and are linkware. They are absolutely FREE for personal and non-profit use. You are very welcome to download and use them on your personal Web Page. We would appreciate a link back to Petsburgh Graphics on the page where you use the graphics. We have included a link graphic also. Please do NOT include them in any collection and do NOT use them on pornographic sites. We have NOT intentionally used any copyrighted material in the creation of these graphics. Remember, save these graphics to your own computer and do not link back to them here. Point to the image you want, then right click and choose "Save as" in the pop-up menu. This site is maintained to help in the creation of personal websites and to support the pets and animals of the world and this work is intended for the use of animal and child pages.