The Spectacle Island Amazing Energy Cart (SIAEC) is a hands on renewable energy education exhibit created by the New England Aquarium for the Boston Harbor Islands National Park. SIAEC aims to get people to think about where their electricity comes from and to introduce two renewable energy sources: wind and solar. SIAEC features 3 outlets which can be connected to 4 different appliances, similar to how people plug in appliances in the home. The 3 outlets give people the choice of using solar, wind or fossil fuel as an energy source. The 4 appliances feature 2 slot cars on a racing track, a fan and a radio. These appliances can be plugged into any one of the 3 energy sources. For example, the two slot cars may be connected to both renewable energy sources, one to solar and the other to wind, with the speed of the cars giving the relative energy from each source in time. A graphic connects to the fossil fuel outlet, making people aware of the environmental impacts of mining and burning fossil fuels.

The SIAEC was created by the
New England Aquarium for the Boston Harbor Islands National Park.
Photographs of the Spectacle Island Amazing Energy Cart.

The Spectacle Island Amazing Energy Cart renewable energy exhibit was
maintained in June 2008..

Copyright Phil Rossoni, 8/7/2003
The Spectacle Island Amazing Energy Cart