Since there's really not much I can add on Victor Hugo that hasn't been covered in far greater detail elsewhere, this site links to others who've accomplished more than I could possibly accomplish by myself.  Send them a thank you, if you can.  They're what make the internet thrive.


Victor Hugo Central
This site is run by John Newmark  and is quite easily the most comprehensive website out there on the life and works of Victor Hugo.  Whatever you want to know, it's probably here.  There're even fun trivia for the very dedicated


History of the Novel
This is actually a link to one small section of a fellow Hunchback fan's website, David Lammers.  I highly suggest visiting his whole website here (the link can also be found in my links section).  But I find his detailed timeline leading up specifically to the writing of HoND particularly informative and so am linking it directly here.


Victor Hugo Article --
And how could I possibly complete a resource article without referencing Wikipedia, your one-stop source for factually unverified material?  But the person who wrote the V. Hugo section was very meticulous in his references, so I think it's probably fairly accurate.


If you have any other Hugo websites that you would highly recommend, please send me an e-mail.  I don't get much time to search the internet, so I obviously don't know everything out there.

       The Story                    The Characters                    Notre Dame

                       Paris                            Medieval Times

     Adaptations                  Shockwave                               Links


Country Road, take me:


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