Vertical Disparity's
Roy Buchanan!!

Christy and Roy
recently frolicking on the beaches of Cancun

Roy is another one of those strong, silent types.... He really doesn't say much at all. But when he does, LOOK OUT!! It's always a show stopper!! Kinda like one of those ol' buzz bombs... My dad used to call 'em SBD's... "Silent But Deadly"... In fact, he used to call ME his little Buzz Bomb... I never really understood what he meant until I studied war history.... but that's another web site....
Back to Roy!!! Yes, ladies, he's single, but you'll have to get past his guards first. Janet and Cathy will interview you first, and if you pass their test (which is unlikely), they'll put you up to Linda. If you can meet her standards, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, you might have a shot at Roy.
Well, we managed to be granted an interview with Roy, although it was chaperoned by the entire Chelsea Morning Baptist Choir of Greater East Los Angeles. And regardless of the audience, Roy was Frank with us... er, I mean, he was open and candid... Frank gave a completely different interview.... Anyway, I think you'll be downright shocked at what we learned about our boy Roy....:

E-mail Roy with your questions!

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