Pictures from 1-24-2000

On the Left is Adam, another one of the workers. The Middle picture is Bob on the Yellow/Green route, which is very very difficult. The picture on the Right is of Cathy Failor goofing off.

On the Left is me on a blue route (difficult). The Center picture is of me exploring new dynos. The picture on the Right is of Donna Failor kicking ass as normal.

Left, is Donna on a slightly slabish wall on which we always play 'elimination'. The Center & Right pictures are of Donna doing two moves on the overhanging white route.

On the Left is a...well picture of Sara EEK!. On the Right is a picture of Sara on the second route that I set that day. This route is really cool, it starts with a mantel, and then traverses left. The crux is encountered with a foot that goes around the corner, and a reach across the doorway.

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