<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/plcquiz/AnotherWorld.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Which Chrono Cross Character are you?


Take this personality quiz to find out which of the few selected characters you are!

What would you use for a weapon?

A swallow
A dagger
A scythe
Something you could throw
A coupla swords
A frying pan
Your fists

If you wanted something, what would you do to get it?

Ask for assistance to get you to the next step
Make someone else get it
Do what needs to be done
A little manipulation and mysterious speeches wouldn't hurt
Become someone else with your evil ways
Steal it
Go on a lil journey and meet others along the way

What's your fave colour?

uh, an eviler shade of black...
none of the above

What best describes you? heh

Guinea Pig Experiment
Feline Demihuman
Enigmatic Jester
Noble Knight
Silent Protagonist
Sweet Country Girl
Mysterious Traveler

What kind of dialect do you speak in?

Proper English
You don't speak
Normal, but with big words o_O

In a battle, you would...

Kick their arses to the moons!
Send a copy of yourself to fight
Use that moon power!
Chop 'em with those swords!
Use magic because physically, you're worthless

If you were to be remembered by a quote, what would it be? (something on the lines of these)

Pleaz dream of moi!
I'll kick your arses so hard you'll kiss the moons!
Maybe if I plant the seeds it'll grow food...
Love is deeper and darker than the black seas of hell.
Even with a different appearance, it's the inside that counts!

What would you feel most comfortable wearing?

Quite a revealing red mini skirt w/ a white belly top and short sleeved red jacket overtop
A crazy red/blue/yellow jester outfit
A bandana, blue shorts, black shirt, and a gray/brown vest
Traditional swordsman kinda thing
A purple dress with a redish brownish jacket sorta thing
A complex black robe with a whole lotta other designs on it...
Nothing, being the creature that you are you don't need clothes...

What about your appearance?

You're half human half panther!! O_O
Who knows you cover your entire face with a pile of makeup...
You're very thin, and usually tie your pretty long hair up
You're pretty plain... You stick some odd material in your hair to make it look more original...
You're adorable and huggable like a lil teddy bear!
Handsome in a old traditional kinda way

And finally, what tragedy has occured (or come closest to) in you life?

You were transformed into a demihuman and uh, became evil
Well, you ARE an evolving experiment locked up in a cage for how long, so...
Because of who you REALLY are, you are forced to attack those you care about
Your orphanage was burned down ;_;
Your boyfriend that you bossed around finally got sick of your annoyance and married someone else
Your brother was killed
You almost died from being attacked by a panther, you nearly drowned, you're stuck with an annoying brat girlfriend, and now you've entered a parallel world where you're apparently dead...