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I didn't feel guilty at all watching the Acadamy Awards tonight because Peter Jennings made sure to pop in every once and awhile with a War with Iraq news brief to remind me of what was going on.


So with war possibly just hours away, I am getting increasingly scared about the uncertainty that lies ahead. But at least I have the Homeland Security threat level indicator to give me peace of mind. It's been recently upgraded to orange, the second-highest level of threat. Why don't we make the threat level indicator a daily feature in newspapers? We can put it on the weather page right next to the pollen count and the UV index. Or better yet, we could do something like the roadside signs with Smokie the Bear on them that warn about the risk of wildfire. Maybe a carved wooden sign with Osama on it. "Only you can prevent terrorism."


The other day I saw the most horribly vain, um, vanity license plate. Here's what it read: IMAMODL. And the license plate frame was for some area modelling school. Funnier still were the two Abercrombie reject guys driving the jeep who had fake 'n' bake tans and were wearing fleece zip-up vests.


"Daredevil" looks like such a stupid movie. Come on! Ben Affleck as a superhero? After Tobey Maguire got the part of a certain amazing arachnid comic book character, Ben was probably whining, "But I want to be Spiderman. I could be Spiderman, like, totally. Why can't I be Spiderman!?! I want to be Spidey!!!" And they gave him "Daredevil" to shut him up.


Yesterday I saw Guardian Angel, the personal blood alcohol testing kit that is a godsend for people who can't tell if they've had one too many. In my experience, most people either know they're too drunk to drive and call someone, or they doggedly insist they're alright and drive home anyway. What makes them think a little piece of litmus paper will help them weigh in on that decision? Worse is the brightly-colored counter display, which says, "Help Prevent DUI Arrest, Or Worse." I've never seen drunk driving fatalities referred to in such euphemistic and dubious language before. Guardian Angel


I have seen four Hummers, two yellow, two grey, on the streets of Sacramento in the last week. Now, why is it that suburbanites need a military-grade, $50,000 monstrosity to roll into the Old Navy parking lot?

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