We Give Thanks

  Distressed by our sorrow we think

There is not much to give thanks...

We are in that long, terrible war,

With so many casualties and turmoil,

So many lives lost and in danger,

Why should we give thanks for?


There is so much destruction all over,

Tremendous suffering and grief

In its dept our soul has bore,

Mother Nature has not spared us

With wounds that never heal.

Why should we give thanks for?


Our beloved country mourns

For the loss of loved ones,

And many families no more,

There are so many broken hearts,

We all feel like falling apart,

Why should we give thanks for?


However, the glimpse of hope

Still abides in our midst,

Where pain and hurt is no more,

That a peaceful future is ahead,

That all the sacrifice is not in vain,

That’s what we give thanks for!


As we gather around festive table,

We allow The Lord in our homes

And we remember forevermore

All the ones we owe so much,

That our country is standing and free,

That is what we give thanks for!

© Ann Marie S. Matias




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