My Most Recent Epiphany. . .Concerning. . .Me

Hey. . .this is my site. . .I'll do as I please. . .

Too bad the glorious manifestation of Keeley's genius lacks the luster it once was recognized for. Unfortunately it is barren and a lonesome, like it's proprietor and lone patronizer...Hahahaha. That just goes to show what kind of character Keeley really is...

  • She is terrible in every facet of her persona
  • She gets harrassment charges filed against her (although she conducts the "session" convincingly to her favor...heh-heh-heh
  • She is forbidden to converse with a certain work-mate because of her inability to co-exist peacefully
  • After lusting for years, she somewhat "acts" upon it and falls flat on her big, fat face. Yeah, it stings, but not to the degree that was anticipated...Eat that! and...
  • Man, what a whiner! I mean, c'mon, what is she carrying on about? Christ, If I had a nickel for everytime I heard her bitch and moan. . . . .I'd have just gotten 5 cents...Considering it is me writing this after all...Eventually, EVERYONE succumbs to extreme boredom, everyone.

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