Character Bio Template

Each character that joins the ranks of the SWURPC must have a homepage. You may either use this template or organize your page however you wish. However, all of the following information must appear in some form on each character's homepage.

Character: (Character’s name)
Aliases: (Other names character goes by)
Type: (Occupation or class; e.g. Jedi Master, Smuggler, soldier, etc.)
Species: (Species of character)
Sex: (Gender of character)
Alignment: (What is the character's alignment?)
Age: (Age of character)
Height: (Height of character)
Weight: (Weight of character)
Eyes: (Color of character's eyes)
Hair: (Color of character's hair)
Picture: (URL or Net Location)

Description: (Descritpion of character; e.g. Very calm in battle, confident with the enemy, etc...)
Flaw: (Only needed for Force Users; What is the inherent flaw of this character)
Employer: (What organizations employs the character? e.g. Empire, Republic, JAHA, etc...)
Weapons: (Weapons character chooses to carry; e.g. Lightsaber, Blaster, etc...)
Ship: (Name of character's ship and any special improvements, etc...)
Special Talents: (Any talents the character may have; e.g. good mechanic, Medicine, pilot, etc...)
Home Planet: (Home planet of character; e.g. Alderaan, Tatooine, etc...)
Enemies: (Known enemies of character; e.g. Empire, Darth Vader, etc...)
E-Mail Address: (What is this Character's E-Mail Address)

History: (History of character -- where he/she grew up, any specific events you want known, etc...)