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The macros were created to simplify my work, most of the times to save me from frustration.  I really really hate to do the repeated monotonamous tasks, so thats the reason I like hypermesh better,  In hypermesh most of the repeated meshing or modelling tasks can be automated usign Hypermesh libraries and Tcl/Tk. Not just meshing tasks but also the templates to export and import FE models from/to your inhouse FE-solver etc etc.....I think most of the functionalities in HM  can be customised.

As I mentioned these macros were created inbetween my busy work, creating programms whenever something is required, so they are error prone and not tested at all but what the heck it does the work. 

So do not test thesse things for various inputs and trivial cases just use it for what it is intended for, better est modifiy it for your requirements.
I think engineers time is very valuable they should not waste time and money clicking hundreds of nodes one by one, the time can be better spend in modelling, interpreting results and optimising the solution. So macros help a lot in that whether in HM during meshing or in NATRAN and ABAQUS during analysis procedures.  I hope somebody find it usefull

Property Browser

My first customisation  is a Property Browser:

From HM7.0 altair introduced a component browser to help the things out, but I always wanted a property browser (For Nastran) to list various PBAR properties and I also wanted to know what is the diameter of the PROD or PBAR properties [atleast approximately] to get an idea of what is the dia. usually  when the data is changed between hands and softwares the name of the properties changed so there is no way you can preserve the property names, so it will be prudent to have a property brwoser which  provides you the list of all properties and CARD type like PBAR, PROD etc, material dependencies of those properties and the diameter, if it is Circular or sectional dimentions if it is a rectangular section.

So Here it is the property browser Download the Property Browser Here

As I have said these macros were created just in minutes. Most of times I do not have a luxuary of time and enough patience to create from the scratch,. This browser is based on the HM material browser provided by the Altair from HM7.0. I modifed it fot property listing. As you can see it can find out the sectional dimentions if it is a Circular or a rectangular section.

Material Browser

From HM7.0 altair provides a Materila browser which list the material properties, as given below

I have a question for you, do you honestly think I can use this browser without getting mad. I can not beleive they did not test this. It is good one by Altair but the display makes it useless and irrtiating So I have just modifed the original program to display the numbers [E, mu etc] with some fixed format, as given below.

Don't you think mine looks better ;-).

Mid-Surface Creator

Let say I have some 20 components from a Catia geomtery and the mid-surfaces needs to be created for each one of those. Do you think the current methos of creating Mid-surface by component by component will work for people like me. Moreover you have to select the Normal direction [ ok recent release have that eliminated].  For example I have component A-Pillar B-Pillar and Roof and I wanted to create Mid-surfaces in a single click for all these three components also  I wanted the respective mid-surfaces to placed at new components Namesly MS_A-Pillar, MS_Billar and MS_Roof. Beleive it or not it makes my life very simple. Download the macroHere

Multiple Line Trimming

Most of the times I need to trim a surface with many lines, but HM does not have the option I have to timr one by one.
So this macro solves thr problem, select the surface and select the lines and it trims the surface with all the lines with the
vector normal to the surface. Download the macroHere>

Select Element by properties

There is no easy way to select elements by properties in hypermesh, lets say I want to select all CBAR element which has a diamter 20mm or by some PBAR ids. Ihis macro helps to select the elements by given  property cards. This can be modified to achive the material selection too.
Download this Macro Here

Viewing Component Properties

Very often we would like to check the component PSHELL thickness and the material properties. Currenly this is little cumbersome in Hypermesh. This macro displays the thickness and Material properties of the slected compoents, The output message box is not perfect for many components but I hardly use this macro to to know the details of more than one component at a time. If you can require modify the message format to suit your taste and functionality.
The current output is something like this image

Download this Macro Here

Automatic generation of Spider mesh with RBE2

When your model has many bolts with various sizes and the spider also needs to be created w.r.to bolt shank sizes then this macro is the best solutuion. The bolt shank part [innermost] is RBE2 with the exact bolt shank size. Second layer diameter is 1.5 times the dia of the Bolt. Third layer is 2 times the diameter. The Diameter can be modified to suit your reuirements or standards
Download this Macro Here

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