Ford Ranger EV drivers page

The Ford Ranger EV is the first production Electric Truck which can seat three, 
has a reasonable range, can carry light cargo, and is fun to drive.
How does it drive?

The car has all of Ford's tradition of quality, and is well balanced, safe, a joy to handle, and will hook anyone on electric cars for ever more. Everyone who has driven the Ranger EV is pleased with:
- how easy it is to drive
- its acceleration "feel" of power
- the regenerative braking
How far can the Ranger EV go on a single charge?
It uses nickel metal hydride batteries which give it a range about twice that of lead acid. Ranger EV drivers get 65 miles out of a single charge if the speed is kept at 65 mph.. 
Top Speed:
How fast can the
Ranger EV go?
The top speed is electrically governed by the onboard computer
which limits the speed to 75 mph. This saves energy and the driver
from getting speeding tickets.
Where do you
charge your
Ranger EV?
At the driver's home, or at public locations with a charging station with an AVCON connector for the front charging port. It takes about 6 hours to get a full charge of 23 kwh using the 5 kw onboard charger.
Where can 
I buy one?
Ford Ranger EVs are only for lease at this time.
Ranger EV photos
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Electric Vehicle List - Discussion of all types of EVs
Electric Auto Association FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Honda EV plus
Electric Auto Assn
Ranger EV drivers work closely with the Honda EV plus drivers as we both use the same public EV charging.
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(This is not a Ford Motor Corporation site)