Elizabeth Moon

Here is a list of books written by Elizabeth Moon. The Deed of Paksenanarion is an astounding work of art.
 Why aren't you reading it right now! =D For more information
visit her official site at http://www.sff.net/people/elizabeth.moon/

Deed of Paksennarion :

1. The Sheepfarmer's Daughter
2. Divided Allegiance
3. Oath of Gold
Planet Pirates:

1. Sassinak
3. Generation Warriors
Legacy of Gird:

1. Surrender None
2. Liar's Oath
The Legacy of Gird
Serrano Legacy:

1. Hunting Party
2. Sporting Chance
3. Winning Colours
4. Once a Hero
5. Rules of Engagement
6. Change of Command
7. Against the Odds
Heris Serrano

Remnant Population
The Speed of Dark
Forge of the Titans
Trading in Danger

