
Follow the links to see a list of books that Mercedes Lackey has written and/or helped writting/editing.
Within you can view book covers, read review, read the back cover summeries,
buy the book from either or Barnes and noble (depending)
and in some cases read or preview the book and some of its chapters.

This is not a complete list so any information you have on
other works that aren't listed or book order would be very helpful.

white = Includes new releases
MLW = Mercedes Lackey Website (you will see this in some areas)

Don't know what series a paticular book is in? Click here for a complete list of books.

 The Valdemar Series

The Bardic Voices


 Bedlam Bard

Bardic Choices

Brain and Brawn Ship Series

Elemental Mage Series

Detective Novels: Diana Tregarde

 The Halfblood Chronicles

Bard's Tale

The Sword of Knowledge

Wing Commander

 Fairy Tales

whiteDragon Jousters


Books that contain Mercedes Lackey short stories

A call to arms! I'm under heavy strain to get a lot of things done so any help
with Reviews and Back Cover summeries would be so very welcomed.
Credit will be given to the author with my profuse thanks.
You can e-mail them to me.

