Define the Problems - Talk about Solutions


“The Texas fusion center's bulletin shows an unhealthy disregard for constitutional
rights and democratic processes,”
said Michael German, ACLU National Security Policy
Counsel and former FBI Agent. “It demonstrates the lack of professionalism that exists
at fusion centers and the severe lack of oversight at the state, local and federal
levels. According to its website, North Central Texas Fusion System bulletins are
disseminated to thousands of people in over a hundred different agencies, and this
report directs law enforcement officers to ‘report' on the political activities of
advocacy groups. The web of connections it weaves – drawing parallels between Muslim
civil liberties groups, lobbying organizations, peace activists, hip hop bands, a
former congresswoman and even the U.S. Treasury Department – would be comical if not
for the real consequences that these organizations and individuals might face.”
The privitation of policing and security has important consequences for the democratic processes
of open government and accountability. These articles address some of the fallout from the blurring
of these lines. Note comments in these articles about the rise of a default brownshirt private security
apparatus which appears to be highly "politicalized", working hand-in-glove with federal and local law enforcement.

see also:
and important comments on local variations here (scroll to see comments by Report9112001)