The show in Oakland April 3, 2009

I took some time to check the back of the theatre, they had somehow crammed one tour bus and one semi into a very small fenced yard out back. Somewhere in the same building was a children’s art show! A proud mother showed me (standing on the street corner) photos of her son’s pieces, he was in the art school there. I took some time and went through the exhibit, it was very nice. Cool to see these things in what was once an abandoned war zone town. Lots of civic pride, wonderful to see.

Next door to the Fox was a noisy little bistro bar called the Fox Den, and I slunk in there, sitting in a corner with my book, hoping no one would notice me (I don‘t drink at Moody shows anymore, I get into trouble, and the drinks were really expensive). It had been a nice walk downtown actually, the architecture are very art deco (all of it, very impressive). The building across from the Fox was incredible beautiful, deep blue and silver, the old Sears building was just down the street; I was sorry I hadn’t brought my digital camera to take more photos. The Fox Den had once been part of the light booth, because next to the ladies room, there was an old ancient dimmer board. Wow that was very cool, it was even older than the stuff I learned lighting on!

We finally got in, the Fox Den opened into the lobby of the Fox, a dignified fellow in a long coat greeted us "welcome to the Fox!" a gracious staff indeed. The ticket booth out front looked like an old Edsel, with wings! My usher was a nice young man with a wild spike hairdo. How fun inside! This theatre tops the Schnitz, and the gilt theatre in Hershey (two of the prettiest old theatres I’ve seen the Moodies play) so it was a wonderful night indeed. Here’s the link: How beautiful, don’t hesitate to go here if you wish to see a show. Very nice, posh place. I loved the pagan statues along the sides (with glowing green eyes!) symbolically they were both male and female, and that was quite creative I thought. Up in alcoves in the top side loges, were old Oriental rugs hanging on the walls. There was so much beauty, I wonder what it was like backstage. Posh I bet.

I never found Debbie or Rebecca, and I hope they made the show (both of them were going on about how they ran late, and knowing the Bay Area traffic, there is no telling). I did see Bob Fisher and his daughter headed in, they had tickets dead center! (His daughter is a great favorite with the band, and Bob loves to get out and have a treat with her, they were fun). It was great to see him again, he was down from Eureka I think, he was kind enough to send me the Justin ball cards that came out a year ago……. What a sweetie! Good people like this should be what the fan club is all about.

--Gilbert and Sullivan (and yes that is meant to be significant, Groucho was a Libra)

I passed some "regulars" two gals dressed nicely, just folks, about my age. One of them was a gal out from Boston, and I think they were doing several shows. One of them was saying "I don’t know if I want to do this anymore. I don‘t need the stress, though the shows are nice". The other friend said "uh oh, that‘s not a good sign". That was all I remember, yes I’m shameless to eavesdrop. YES it’s a strain. I don’t do NEAR the shows some of these gals are doing. And I don’t know why they are doing it. Why am I doing it? I love the fantasy, that’s why. How about YOU? The shows always leave you with a bit of mystery to ponder, but they are also very FUN. And it puts art and creativity into my life. Which is like food for the soul to me. Be sure of your priorities, all. Then it’s not so stressful. It has purpose.

The show was wonderful as were all the others. Justin did one "take" to the balcony, I looked up there quickly, there was nothing I could see (and I checked quietly later from up front) so maybe he was playing "fake out" (seeing how many audience members he could get to look too). One thing was very funny, I hiked up to the balcony at Intermission to see what the top was like. True to the reputation of the Fox (there was one in my hometown Fullerton, yes lots of action up in the balcony!) the place REEKED of weed up there! Boo, dope, Marijuana you know? It was pretty funny. My smeller worked just a little too well at this show, one lady sat down next to me reeking of perfume that reminds me of dead frogs. Luckily the dude on the other side of me had bathed in Aramis, so it sorta drowned it out. AND one guy pushed down our row to the center, saying "linebacker coming through" and he was a moving mountain covered in tie-dye! And he was one big, stinky old hippy, YUCK! I don’t mind people being fat, but dang TAKE A BATH!

Justin fussed with his electronics all night! At one of the early shows, I had seen him diddle with his gear during "Isn‘t Life Strange" and barely get to the mike in time for his lines. Paul saw it too and rolled his eyes again. Justin just wasn’t happy with the wiring this tour, all around. Anyway in Oakland, another news group mentioned a "doobie" box which I take to be some sort of interface, he diddled with an earplug at first, kept turning around to mess with his dials behind him, and after "Singer" he might have totally overloaded the system. "Nights" started, something happened, he turned to diddle AGAIN Graeme said something to him ("Just play" I think), they tried again, it was all off....... he finally skidded to a stop. "Let's do it right" to some effect like that, out came roadies, much scuttling ensued, gear swapped out, and the crowd respectfully applauded when he started up again (and it sounded much better too I might add).

Melanie Bell is now my hero, she managed to get her video on for this, and here is the link: Words aren’t enough, watch it!

At the end of the video, you see John kicking something off stage! And some smirking! A nasty ol’ bra was tossed on stage (YUCK), least they could have done is thrown a new pretty bra, talk about cheep! (no surprise, those can be pretty expensive, which reminds me of a sailor story with an old bra and two oranges that makes me blush to even think about). Later the gal who threw the bra up said she got the bra back, but not her scarf! (roadies probably nailed it to the wall). I missed it, too far back (I saw I think a scarf fly onto stage in Santa Barbara). Maybe it’s something about Spring and boobs.

I do think Justin enjoys setting puzzles for those around him, God knows why. The shirt he wore in Oakland for the second half was perhaps one of these. It was a typical British sport shirt, like you might see a soccer team wearing, a collared tee with various colors on the armbands, number 71 on the front (in a shield), and a big red dragon (I'm pretty sure) on the back with words I never could make out in Gothic lettering. One woman next to me thought it might have been a pub shirt :) After a Google on line, what I came up with was Robert Earnshaw, and I’ll leave you all to figure that one out (I think I’m right too, which makes me feel rather warm and fuzzy). I'm glad to see him go comfortable myself. He alternated the tees with a black shirt, black pants black shoes ensemble. New white loafers (?) or some very stylish German-make sports shoes, and I'd love a pair myself, they were very cool.

John alternated with a black Moodies tee, and a ruffled white tuxedo shirt. I forgot to say he wore those faux leather pants in SB and B-field, and black sport cut pants in Primm. His levis still "pack a whallop" if you know what I mean! :)

GE wore a marvelous shirt with Jimi Hendrix on it in Oakland, and I hope my photos of it come out! (otherwise he seems to favor those light beach shirts that men in the Orient wear, they are considered dress there). I loved Julie's new skirts and dresses, she has some wonderful stage clothing.

The other bit that got my attention in Oakland was GE's great performance for H&H. He was really into it, yelling "I love it!" arms waving around, but as we segued into the next song, the person next to me said "look at the drummer, he can‘t get his breath" I looked and sure enough……. Jesus I thought we were going to see the last Moody show right there. I DO not want to ever see a Moody go out feet first! He began to recover during "Sitting Comfortably", sorta closed his eyes and just "went with the music" and it seemed to help. (Might not have been a good idea either, as the rhythm for "Are you Sitting Comfortably" is very syncopated). Really scared me and GE didn't look too happy either, very very flushed. Gordon sorta looked over at him mildly worried once so I figured he was in good hands should he get in trouble. I hope they have Oxygen backstage for emergencies.

He still wasn’t quite recovered when it came to "Cold Hearted Orb" but pro that he is, he calmed down his voice, and the magic held. Then of course that flub (whatever) happened with "Nights" then he seemed ok for the rest of the night. I mouthed "take it easy!" to GE during curtain call, (I managed to get up there), and he answered something back to me, but I couldn't hear it over the crowd. He was really knackered! Hope you're feeling better, Graeme! Switch to something with lower tar and nicotine!

Bob Fisher's little girl got the drumsticks, and had a blast!

I’d swear I saw Steven Spielberg in the crowd (leaving), isn’t he a Bay Area resident? A white limo pulled up to the curb outside, and then drove off empty. They asked me if I wanted to get inside. I asked them who was inside with me? (no comment, I think they were playing taxi!) It was a real true Bay Area crowd, trippy, very weird vibes and old fashion hippy fun. I loved Oakland, it was a sleezy inner city, but children were laughing on the street corners too. Loud drunks in the bar, quiet traffic outside as dusk falls. Life is made of yin and yang, joy and sorrow, pain and happiness. Can we ever disentangle the two?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>click here for Chapter Seven, a wrap up and journey home<<<<<<<<<<<<<<