Ryan Reeder

History 390R

Derr and Esplin

April 12, 2001

Questions for April 3, 2001

1. What has been the general result as General Authorities have had to adapt their General Conference addresses? Was there a greater tendency toward spontaneity and speculation in the past? Were different parochial doctrines and practices addressed? How have those evolved into addresses meant to teach a worldwide audience with a variety of needs and concerns?

2. What is the cause of the general hostility between members of The Church of Jesus Christ and the women's movement? Why does the women's movement perceive the Church as backward and its policies as in error? Why is there a general antagonism among Church members toward radical feminism? From which side did this feeling originate?

3. What has been the result of the correlation movement of the early 1970s as the Church has expanded internationally? In the 1970s, President Harold B. Lee emphasized correlation during his presidency. As a result, manuals, practices, and general church policies were streamlined to be able to run more efficiently and effectively as the Church continued to grow. Following this correlation, it may be seen that this emphasis has resulted in a loss of originality. Perhaps it could be stated that the urgency of the Church's mission and message necessitate a reduction in time-consuming, peripheral endeavors, yet many chapels produced since this time have a carbon-copy look to them. Even temples, such as those dedicated from 1983-1986 and 1998-2001 have generally been based on a relatively few patterns. This is especially evident when compared with earlier chapel and temple designs. Investigators receive the same standardized discussions from missionaries dressed in standard attire. Local ward organizations and programs are the same in practically any ward on the planet. Has this "doctrine" of standardization resulted in greater growth for the Church? What would have been the effect if the correlation program had not been implemented?

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