As  published in the Sept 2004 edition of the Sailboat Bend Civic Association

Sailboat Bend's Guidelines for Developers

Following is the final proposal drafted by the SBCA Development Guidelines committee for Sailboat Bend. It will be discussed and voted upon at the September 20, general meeting.
This is the opportunity for all concerned with the development in Sailboat Bend to give input to the process.

Recommendations regarding setback modification and building height Maximum

Building Area

Overall footprint of new buildings must be equal to or less than footprint allowed by underlying zoning requirements - based on net site area available for development inside required setbacks.
Example: Total area of 100 ft x 50 ft. lot = 5000 s.f.
Required setbacks: Front -25 ft      Rear -20 ft     Sides-10 ft.
Building area within setbacks = 55 ft x 30 ft = 1650 s.f.
Maximum building footprint = 1650 s.f.

This area can be moved around on the site if setback modification criteria is met.

Setback Modification

The following minimum requirements are to be met before a modification to underlying zoning requirements will be considered

Relationship to adjacent properties

Front yard
Location of building must be consistent with existing, adjacent development (If contiguous properties on both sides less than 25 ft. and enclosed, new construction may align with contiguous properties. Must not exceed line of 'least encroaching' neighboring property.)

Exception: attached porches a minimum of 7 ft wide and open on a minimum of 3 sides may be setback 15 ft.
Side Yard
Reduction to 5 ft. may be requested on one (1) side only. All of the following criteria must be met:

1.Only single story up to 11 ft. height allowed within modified setback area unless there is no existing buildings on contiguous property along requested side then two story up to 22 ft. height allowed

2.Must step back 1:1 @ 22 ft. height per zoning district requirement

3.Must result in an improvement to the utilization of the site for any of the following:
·on site parking to eliminate back out parking 
·additional open space (must exceed required minimum by a minimum of 10%)- paved          vehicular use area does not count towards this additional open space negative shadowing effect on adjacent properties.

Rear Yard

Reduction from 20 ft. to 10 ft. All of the following criteria must be met: one (1) story buildings on contiguous properties at the rear property line unless property abuts an alley on the rear property line

2.results in an improved utilization of the site for any of the following
·on site parking to eliminate back out parking
·additional open space (must exceeds required minimum by a minimum of 10%) - paved vehicular use area does not count towards this additional open space negative shadowing effect on adjacent properties (NEEDS TO BE DEFINED)


The following minimums must be met before any air conditioned, habitable area above the 2nd floor will be considered:

1.Maximum 3rd floor area may not exceed 30% of the ground floor footprint
No limit on unenclosed, open deck areas

2.Location of 3rd floor area set at sides by 1:1 step back above 22 ft building height. May not        be located within the front 1/3 of the building

3. May not encroach into the rear setback area

SBCA Guidelines Proposed for Developers Pertaining to Trees

By Nolan Haan, SBCA Developer Guidelines Committee

In addition to the historic homes, Sailboat Bend is defined by its magnificent tree canopy.  Trees are important for offering shade, filtering pollutants, contributing oxygen, and providing a natural habitat for our wildlife.  To preserve the essence of this neighborhood, it is critical that tree canopy be protected.

The following guidelines are suggested to developers in order to gain the endorsement for their projects from Sailboat Bend:

1.  Every effort must be made to save a mature tree (defined as having an 18 inch diameter at chest height.)  Mature trees should be shown the same level of consideration as historic houses.

2.  As a general rule, only 25% of total canopy can be removed, either by trimming and/or removal of trees. However, in certain site specific cases, consideration will be given for the removal of mature nuisance or exotic trees.
3.  A copy of all tree removal permits and evaluations required by the City must be sent to CAC.

4.   Photos of each mature tree must be taken prior to trimming and/or removal.

5.   An aerial view of the property should be obtained from the city and provided to CAC.

6.   Any tree to be removed because of disease, decay, or damage due to natural causes must have a certificate from a licensed arborist, stating that removal is its only remedy.  The neighborhood will have on retainer an independent arborist to verify the findings.
7.  If a proposed building's footprint infringes on a tree's drip line, developer must provide a simple line drawing elevation to show actual impact of building on the tree's canopy.
8. Relocation of trees within Sailboat Bend is permissible, provided the new site will enable the tree to mature naturally. 

9.  Tree replacement to be on property being developed.  If this is not possible, replacement to be on neighboring property and/or other property in the neighborhood including along streets designated as such on the master plan and approved by CAC.
10.  Nuisance trees, as defined by the City of Fort Lauderdale, can be removed.  However, since they contribute to our overall canopy, they must be replaced by acceptable trees of equivalent potential canopy.
11.  The monetary equivalent for removed trees, as set for by the City of Fort Lauderdale, is not acceptable.  Trees removed must be replaced by trees.