or shall we say "lethi-isms"?

"kiss my bellybutton."
"My sleepy looks like a turkey."
"Do you have banana memories?"
"He's a REAL man!"
"That was a bat!"
"Olive Juice!"
"Apple Juice! Too bad it's not Olive"
"Maybe I should just call you Fat Bastard."
"I vant to be a male cheerleader because I am gay and vill not vinger de vemon."
"I love E.T. ---- the movie...."
"Do the moonwalk with your silly feet... come on you know you wanna."
"Hey Julia! 'DORM ROOM'"
"I'm a singing, talking, dancing, kneeling tree..."
"Somebody needs a hug!"
"That's my job!"
"You scared the QUACK outta me!"
"He's got Obie hair!"
"What the heck is in Howie's hat?"
"He's my neighbor!"
"The hole is hard to find."
"My locker bit me."
"Lockers are evil!"
"Short people have good aim!"
"ISAAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(my first word)
"Seat 29 1/2"
"The hilarium is uncontrollable."
"You just wait till I get my heels on I can see your nose!... or maybe your chin."
"Look now it's clean!" did you spit on it? "No I huffed it!"