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final episode stills

These are stills taken from the final episode of Sunset Beach which aired December 31, 1999. There are a total of 161 stills so enjoy.

Final Episode: December 31

Richards Family Reunion: Olivia opens her front door to find Caitlin and Trey outside. Caitlin tells Olivia that Jude tracked down her and Sean, and told them what was going on back home. Caitlin reveals that she found Cole in London, but he won't be able to return to the U.S. for a while yet because of legal troubles. She intends to go back to England to be with him. While she's gone, she wants Olivia to take care of Trey. Olivia is overjoyed to have her children back, especially when Sean and Emily (who have reconciled) enter the room. Jude shows up to fill Olivia in on exactly why Sean and Caitlin agreed to come home. Caitlin gets a surprise of her own when Cole arrives to be with her.

Antonio/Gabi/Ricardo: At the church, Gabi returns her wedding ring to Ricardo and informs him that she is leaving town today. Antonio says he'll miss her; so does Ricardo. Carmen apologizes to Gabi for the way she's treated her. She sees "love and promise" in Gabi's future.

Before The Wedding: Meg Ben asks Meg to marry him today. He suggests a double wedding with Michael and Vanessa. As Meg leaves to find Vanessa to ask her opinion, she bumps into Maria. Maria assures Meg that she is happy for her and Ben. And of course, Vanessa is thrilled at the idea of a double wedding. While preparing, Meg finds a beautiful wedding gown. Meanwhile, Maria informs Annie of Ben and Meg's plans. Annie is shocked to hear that Maria gave Meg her blessing, but Maria insists that she wants to move on with her life. Meg is about to go out for the ceremony, but Annie arrives to congratulate her. If Maria can accept Ben and Meg's marriage, so can Annie.

Before The Wedding: Everyone Else Amy and Brad enter the church and run into A.J. and Bette. Amy asks if Emily has heard from Sean; Bette says that's why Emily isn't there. Amy informs Brad that she doesn't intend to pursue Sean; he can't give her what she wants. After speaking with Meg, Annie runs into Olivia. Olivia informs Annie that Jude told her Annie is responsible for convincing Sean and Caitlin to come home. And to do so, she must have admitted to giving Olivia the potion that made her start drinking again. Olivia doesn't hate Annie--at least, not right now. She and Annie enter the church together, surprising A.J. and Bette, among others.

The Wedding: The ceremony begins; Tyus walks Vanessa down the aisle and gives her away. Vanessa's mother, Lena (now cured of her Martin's syndrome), looks on. Maria and Ross sit together. Michael and Vanessa recite their vows, then Ben and Meg do. Antonio pronounces the couples married.

The Dream: Suddenly, Meg wakes up back in Ludlow, Kansas. Her mother and her Aunt Bette tell her that her friends and family are waiting downstairs to wish her well before her wedding next week: her wedding to Tim! A confused Meg wonders what is going on. She goes downstairs and sees Tess, Gregory, Olivia, Annie, Brad, Amy, Tyus, and pretty much everyone else from Sunset Beach, all dressed in typical Midwestern clothing. Tim is also there, flirting with many of the women present. Meg announces that she had a dream, and they were all in it. In the dream, she went to Sunset Beach. It made her realize what love really is, and how none of them should settle for less than they deserve. The doorbell rings. Meg answers it, and Ben is there. He ran out of gas and wants to use the phone. He starts to introduce himself, but Meg already knows what his name is.

The End: Back in Sunset Beach, it is morning. Meg wakes up. She's with Ben. She tells him about her strange dream of being back in Kansas. Her life in Sunset Beach is real, Ben assures her.

source: sunset beach fan guide

sunset sentinel © 1999-2004