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© 1995 Donna Kossy

After studying Einstein's General Theory of Relativity for two years as a doctoral candidate in physics, George Hammond admits that he never did "understand a word of it." Twenty years later, Hammond applied that same General Theory of Relativity to life, and attained something far more satisfying than a Phd. He found the "scientific proof of God."

Hammond's treatise, The Origin of the Cross (published in 1986), is the culmination of 5 years of "nearly full time and continuous research" into psychology, physiology, zoology and theology, as well as a deep probing of the Congressional Quarterly. Contained in the treatise is the scientific theory which Hammond believes will revolutionize psychology, neurology, theology and political science; application of the theory could alter the course of human history.

Hammond's hypothesis is that just about everything -- human anatomy, the brain, psychology, theology and government -- follows the structure of the Cartesian Coordinate System. Hammond's observation that all these seemingly disparate phenomena have the same 4-way structure yields fantastic results:

[T]he Bicameral/Two-Party [political] system is the macroscopic manifestation of the Cartesian structure of psychology. ... the Cross of Christianity is obviously the symbolic representation of the Cartesian Structure of the human mind. ...the Four Gospels of the New Testament are seen to be exactly the historical representations of the four personalities of the Structural Model of Personality in psychology. This theory not only provides a proof of the Bicameral/Two-Party system, it provides a scientific proof of Christianity.
In his fervor to prove his theory, Hammond combines conventional logic and the results of scientific studies with his own lingering schizophrenic trains of thought; in addition to the classical forms of argument he relies heavily on arguments based on appearances and the sounds of words. Hammond's analysis of Freud's "Personality Diagram" is a good example of this:
... the author [Hammond] has shown how the Freudian diagram becomes the Cartesian diagram. What Freud has called Repressed, the author interprets for these purposes, as the "Oppressed", the Libido, (the vast poverty stricken sector of the world, the lower left; Africa, Asia, India, etc., etc.) The small bubble labeled pcpt.-cns. (perceptual-conscious) the author takes to be an eye. On the other side of the diagram is a symmetric open space without an eye. Freud has drawn a "one eyed" diagram. The author interprets this as the fact that he discovered what has only recently been discovered by modern research, that the right brain is predominantly visual. If we complete Freud's diagram by adding the left eye, we have a face and it is the face of a man. The unconscious mind is now seen to lie in the middle, the deepest part of the brain.
The result of this kind of logic is a theory that begins as a model for social psychology, but ends up showing that the DNA molecule contains Heaven and that General Relativity is the mathematical proof of God. Hammond came upon his theory--not as an instantaneous revelation--but gradually:
This theory came about as a practical matter as a way of identifying which groups of people were antagonistic towards me, which groups were indifferent and which groups were friendly. Just on the grounds of first impressions. For instance if I were a cab driver in a military town, I might find that WAVES were more familiar than WACS, or Corporals liked me more than Sergeants. After a while, of this continued observation and negotiation with people, the thing began to appear as a simple "angle" or geometry. There were basically people above me in class and people below me in class and each class seemed to be divided in half, bad and good. The bads were against me and the goods were for me, up or down. As time progressed I realized that it wasn't bad and good, it was some kind of basic difference. The whole thing was a nearly visible, "X". It was some kind of an up, a down, a left and a right. I seemed to be more in the upper left, and the people that really didn't like me were lower right! I soon came to realize that the left and the right were the political left and the political right, the Democrats and the Republicans. Lower class Republicans definitely don't like me. Upper class Republicans are kind of stand offish but mainly indifferent. Lower class Democrats are friendly but basically indifferent. Upper class Democrats are "my people."
Hammond had heard of Julian Jaynes' Bicameral Mind theory before, but hadn't been interested. Now, he "suddenly grabbed Jaynes' book like it was the answer to my problem." He knew now that "the left and the right was the Bicameral Mind! Between the well known 'class struggle' and the Bicameral Mind, I had found out what 'X' was!" Hammond conjectured that the "left" and the "right" in politics actually correspond to the left and right brains, and, analogously, the Senate and the House correspond to the "upper" and "lower" brain, forming a Bicameral/2-Party political system, or BI/2P for short.

Every day for three months, Hammond rode his bicycle 10 miles to the library, and spent 8 hours going over the Congressional Quarterly to confirm his hypothesis. He was trying to plot congressional voting on a cartesian graph, but collapsed in the library and was taken to a hospital, a result of overwork and skipping meals. Hammond wisely went on to other matters and, instead of confirming his theory, he expanded it to include Freud's four "personalities," The Four Gospels of the New Testament and the "Four Estates." The resulting correspondences are:

Quadrant     Freud      Legislature         Gospel     Estate

Upper Right  SuperEgo   Senate Republicans  Luke       Nobility
Upper Left   ID         Senate Democrats    John       Clergy
Lower Right  Ego        House Republicans   Matthew    Military
Lower Left   Libido     House Democrats     Mark       Peasants
Hammond wanted hard evidence for this 4-way structure. Proceeding "with baited breath, to the anatomy archives to find out if this could be possible," the budding scientist discovered, among other confirmations of his theory, the so-called "Molluscan Cross," a 4-way structure formed at the 128-cell stage in the development of a mollusk. The four center cells form the mollusk's "quadrapartite" brain. Hammond was astounded to learn that "this structure ... is probably the closest known thing to the scientific origin of the Cross of Christianity!!" Furthermore, he found that "Lo and behold, it turns out that the entire human body is based on Cartesian geometry! From the egg to the adult, the whole thing is Cartesian!"

Hammond points out that the 2-way theory of the brain hasn't yielded results anywhere near as amazing as this. In contrast, the 4-way theory is what would be termed a "fundamental result."

Armed with a fundamental breakthrough, Hammond is now free to speculate on such "mysteries" as why Social Class is on the vertical axis while Political Party is horizontal. Social Class, he reasons, is simply a result of "height differential" between the upper and lower class; it's a documented fact that the average height in the U.S. Senate is 3.5 inches higher than the norm; and so, by default, Political Party is horizontal. Furthermore, Hammond "would be willing to bet" that a high proportion of Democrats are left-handed; therefore, the BI/2P system is simply "the tall the short the right and the left."

But, ultimately, the positions of the two axes are caused by even more fundamental forces: the vertical influence is gravity, while the horizontal influence is the earth's rotation. And, since the left-right orientation of the earth's rotation is reversed in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, the "rights" originate in the north, while the "lefts" originate in the south. "The BI/2P System then, is the result of terrestrial influences acting on the Cartesian geometry of the human body."

There are other influences as well, first and foremost the basic human desire to raise the standard of living. This drive, Hammond asserts, is actually what Freud called the Libido. Hammond then, rather than consulting a dictionary, applies the psychoanalytical method of free association to analyze the meaning of "Libido":

Now if [the Libido is the desire to raise the standard of living] why, one wonders, did Freud come up with the name "Libido" for it? Now I don't believe in looking words up in the dictionary, I think you can tell what every word means just by the sound of it and I'm wondering why he named it the Libido. My interpretation is this, Libido sounds like liberal maybe even limbo. Now liberals are poor people, anybody with money sure isn't a liberal. Furthermore any names ending in o are usually lower class names, like limbo which is some kind of African voodoo dance. So what Libido means, or rather, who they are, is the lower class poor people. ... The point that I'm making is this, if there is a central motivation in psychology and it is the desire to survive, these people must have a lot of it, it's the only thing that keeps them going. ...
For the purposes of Hammond's grand theory, he calls this aspect of Libido the "Albedo," using it to complete the scientific proof of Christianity. To do this, Hammond explains The Trinity, as well as a host of other 3-way systems on the Control Theory concepts of Input, Output and Feedback:
Control Theory  Freud    Government   Trinity     Consciousness

Input           Superego Executive    Father      Unconscious mind
Output          Ego      Legislative  Son         Conscious mind
Feedback        Id       Judiciary    Holy Ghost  Albedo

To Hammond, the most important application of Control Theory however, is to Human Progress: Input is the Genetic Code; Output is Human Development; and Feedback is "the law of nature, physics, society, etc." Hammond maintains that when our physical and psychological development finally catches up with our genetic code (in about 5000 years), we will have reached the Kingdom of God. Thus, according to an equation in control theory, as the standard of living approaches infinity, psychological and physical development approaches 100%, or the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, it is "intuitively obvious to even a casual observer that an 'infinite standard of living' is possible." Therefore Hammond has achieved no less than a scientific proof that The Kingdom of God is possible. Hammond the scientific prophet asserts:
In a few decades or less we can assume that the Three Branches of Government and the Bicameral/Two-Party system will be generally accepted as the basic form of government in all nations. An identity with the Trinity and the Cross in religion. The United Nations will probably manifest this form also. An enormous stabilization of world politics will ensue. Drastic (up to 50%, I have heard) cuts will be made in nuclear arsenals. A program of military buildown, in inverse proportion to the standard of living will become the new long range military philosophy.

... The scientific theory of psychology and theology will unify all governments all cultures all languages and all religions. They are all simply embellishments of the same simple structure, the Cross. ...The unity of mankind is achieved in the scientifically proven form of universal government. ...

A universal language can be expected to be achieved within 500 to a thousand years and poverty eliminated before that. Genetic control of all diseases and illnesses within 1000 to 2000 years. Within 3000 years the aging process will no longer be considered a problem. By the year 6,000 food clothing and shelter will be as free as the air we breathe. By the year 7,000 every living person will be God.

Though Hammond's wild leaps from control theory and physics into mysticism are not liable to convince any physicists, his observations and correspondences are thought-provoking. We tend to take the structures of our institutions (such as the legislature), our social classes and our symbols (such as the cross) for granted, and seldom ask if they might be otherwise. Hammond does ask interesting questions even though he does seem to know the answers prior to conducting any research. And some of his observations are in line with the observations of others. His identification of the cross as a basic symbol--though Hammond doesn't seem to know this--is in agreement with the psychological observations of Jung. Jung also identified four psychological "functions": feeling, thinking, sensation and intuition. Furthermore, Hammond's application of abstruse scientific fields like control theory, to anything and everything, may not yield any hard scientific data, but it does make one think. Clearly, without such conjectures and wild hypotheses, there would be no exploration, no experiments and no new discoveries.

While they might not be important to science, Hammond's "discoveries" are all-important to Hammond. In fact, as he reports in The Origin of the Cross, they basically give meaning and value to a life which, until he made them, was awash in depression and failure. While struggling with severe personal problems, Hammond was able to forge a meaningful connection between God, Society, and his own psyche; for this, he deserves our admiration.


Hammond, George. The Origin of the Cross. Hyannis, MA: Hammond Psychology Publishing, 1988.

Update on George Hammond:
It seems Hammond has re-entered academia, only this time in the field of psychology. His fully illustrated theories, are available on the web: Hammond Manuscripts

© 1995 Donna Kossy
