Note:  This letter was written to James E. Baugh PhD of the
            Georgia Tech Quantum Relativity Group and represents
            a very clear and simple exposition of the scientific
            proof of God (SPOG).

May 18, 2005
Dear Dr. James Baugh
Physics Department
Georgia School of Technology

  As you well know, no major scientific theory or discovery
is so simple minded that it can be "disproved" with a simple
one liner. As you know major theories such as Quantum
Mechanics, Relativity, etc. CANNOT be "axiomatically
derived" by simple mathematics. There is no axiomatic reason
for instance that the Scalar Curvature , R, must be the Hilbert
Lagrangian of Relativity, nor is there any axiomatic derivation
of the Schrodinger or Dirac equations.
  Fact is, major theories like QM or GR are nearly
ad hoc propositions, usually accidentally arrived at, which:

1. Produce robust and comprehensive results
    that make them of unignorable practical utility.

2. Are not supported by any "simple axiomatic derivation"
    but insead are supported by a totality of comprehensive
    evidence from a myriad of directions, plus the fact that
    no contrary evidence can be found.

  Well.... exactly the same is true of the SPOG. There is no
axiomatic simple minded mathematical devivation of the
SPOG any more than there is of Quantum Mechanics.
Secondly, the empirical support confirming the SPOG is
both massive and comprehensive. It explains ALL of
Psychometry.. and thus all of Psychology. It yields
the long sought for Structural Model, it supplies for the
first time the underlying METRIC of Psychology thus
unifying Personality and Intelligence, it explains every
existing psychometric model, it identifes the long sought
for "biological origin" of the Structural Model, it
incorporates the long enigmatic Sperrian Lateralization
into psychology theory, an outstanding lacunae for
many years, and finally, proves that psychological
structure is is axiomatically derived from spacetime
structure itself... thus founding Psychology as an
axiomatic science for the first time in history.
Beyond that, the SPOG finally produces the world's
first scientific explanation of "Religion".. an actual
scientific explanation of "God"... thus the world's first
"scientific PROOF of God". How does it do this you
ask. Simple. Religion (Christianity for instance) is
known historically to make several major phenomenological

1.  There physically exists an "invisible world" known as
     "Heaven" which is similar to Earth only that it is a paradise.
2.  "God" is an invisible man who lives there and is all
      powerful and rules the actual (visible) world from there.
3.   This God can produce miracles which transcend
      the (known) laws of Physics.
4.   Historically Religion has evolved from Polytheism
      (many demigods) to Monotheism (one supreme God).
5.   Christianity predicts the world is transforming itself into
      Heaven and will actually arrive there at a date known as
     "Kingdom Come"... or the "end of the world".
6.   There is such a thing as "Eternal Life".
7.   Jesus was the physical "incarnation of God"
8.   The Cross for some reason is the central symbol of
      (Western) Religion.
9.   For some reason our main canonical text is written
      in 4 identical versions known as the "4-Gospel Canon".
10. God "created the world" only a matter of "thousands"
      of years ago (Genesis) not "billions" of years ago as
      Science maintains.
11. God created man "in his own image".
12  The list goes on.....

  OK... what I claim is that the SPOG identifies a new physical
phenomena (of human perception) heretofore unidentified
and unexplored by Science which SCIENTIFICALLY
EXPLAINS (and thereby proves the existence of)
Moreover, the phenomena turns out to have an
AXIOMATIC PHYSICS basis (Gen'l. Relativity) and
can be (in fact has been) completely experimentally proved
by over 100 years of published Psychometry and Bilology
Now, THAT, ... is what I claim is a "scientific proof of God"!
and it is an absolutely by the book, classical scientific
discovery in all respects... just as the discovery by Dalton
that the integer combination of atoms into molecules
(e.g. Alchemy)! SPOG is the same thing!

  Now, before leaving off, let me just give you a simple
stick model sketch of HOW the SPOG explains the
above 11 points in Religion.. and bear in mind it is
already evident how it explains all of Psychometry
(the 13 known models etc.). I can do this quite simply
because YOU it turns out already understand Gen'l.
  Now this explanation comes as close to a "heuristic
derivation" of the SPOG as is possible, but it in NO
WAY corresponds to the actual chronological history
of how the SPOG was actually discovered!

  OK... for 100 years it has been known that the average
adult person is NOT fully grown... this is because Science
has discovered that there is a "Secular Trend" in human
growth, whereby each suceeding generation is larger,
stronger and more intelligent than past generations. This
effect is known to be NOT genetic, but in fact is caused by
sheer growth, due to the rising world standard of living,
particularly nutrition. Modern soldiers for instance cannot
even fit into a medieval suit of armor because they are so
much larger than men of 500 years ago. This fact means
that every organ in the body is less than fully grown,
including notably the human BRAIN.
  OK.. turns out we already know what the "perceptual
effect" of not having a fully grown brain is... since we
are surrounded by CHILDREN who are prime examples
of what a "less than fully grown person" actually is. In
fact, it can esily be PROVED that a child sees
a "larger and faster" reality than the reality seen by an
adult! The proof is this (as if the point needs proving)
is for instance this (and there is much more btw):

      It is a proven fact that (movie) Picture Fusion
    Frequency (PFF) increases linearly during
    childhood growth. In fact a 7 year old can only
    discriminate 10 frames/sec as individual pictures
    before it turns into a "movie", while an adult can
    discriminate 15 frames/sec as indiviual still pictures.
    This means then, that 1/3 of normal adult reality
    is INVISIBLE to a 7 year old simply due to his
    reduced mental (perceptual) speed due to incomplete
    growth of the brain.
      This has been long known to be due to the linear
    increase in intelligence that occurs during childhood
    growth ... recall this fact is WHY raw intelligence
    has to be divided by AGE before the age of 18
    when growth stops, in order to calculate (genetic)
      Furthermore, that a 7 year old sees a larger world
    needs no proof, since obviously a 4 foot 7 year old
    sees a world that is 1/3 larger than a 6 foot adult.
    Similar to the speed effect... this "magnification"
    causes spacial structure to exceed the bandwidth of
    comprehensibility the same way the speed effect
    does... for instance there is a well known parlor game
    that consists of trying to identify common objects
    from pictures taken at high magnification. Almost
    anything becomes unrecognizeable at high magnification,
    and therefore there is some proportional unrecognizeabilty
    even at modest magnifications.. such as at 133%.

  So what we see is that 1/3 of reality is actually INVISIBLE
to a 7 year old... meaning he is surrounded by an
INVISBLE WORLD (namely true reality) that he can't
see. It is for this reason that children require constant
supervision and protection, as every parent well knows.

  Now the POINT of this, is that the Secular Trend proves
that as much as 20% of "true reality" is actually INVISIBLE
to the average person... for EXACTLY the same reason..
because the average person according to Secular Trend Data
is actually only about 80% full grown. This means that the
average person is surrounded by an INVISIBLE WORLD
consisting of 20% of "true reality"... and this "invisible
world" is nothing other than the so called HEAVEN of
classical Religion! QED: Heaven exists!

  Now surely, for someone of your intelligence, it doesn't
take a long elaboration to point out to you that the
"invisible man" (a.k.a. "GOD") of Religion is nothing more
than the "rest of our ungrown bodies" that of course is
"invisble" because we are not fully grown... nor to explain
to you that the rest of the "ungrown brain" is actually
of course "partially grown" and "partially functioning" and
is in fact what Freud called the "Unconscious Mind", and
that this invisible (e.g. spiritual.. but acting unconsciously)
perception is what we call "GOD"...... therefore,

  Now I will leave off here... but not before mentioning
that the "size and speed" dilation caused by this "brain
growth deficit" turns out to be mathematically (indeed
physically) a Relativistic Curvature of "seen" reality
as opposed to "true reality". In other words, we only
SEE a "Curved Version" of true reality.... and the magnification
and speeding up of this "seen version" simply puts
(on average) about 20% of said "true reality" outside
the "perceptual bandwidth" of the less than fully grown
person. The proof that this effect is a "Relativistic
Curvature" is given in my paper... but obviously, since
the 4 dimesnions of space cause the 4 dimensions of
Psychometry space.... this proof is trivial compared
to current research in Physics.. it consists merely of
pointing out that "Factor Analysis" is mathematically
identical to "Linearized Gravity" and therefore the
higher order factor of the 4x4 psychometry metric
(ENPg) is identified as "Gravity"... specifically
the curvature G_uv. Hence "God=G_uv", since
this higher order Factor is easily identifed as "brain
growth" which has been identified as "God" (above)
since it explains the 11 points there outlined as the
principle "phenomena of religion".
  Finally not only is 20% of reality invisible, but the
80% of true realty that remains VISIBLE is so speeded
up and magnified that it literally TERRORIZES the
individual looking at it who thinks that it is actual reality
and THIS is why the world is so awesome, challenging,
death defying and overwhelms so many human beings...
especially those with large growth deficts... which is also
a well observed fact! Fact is, this change in size and
apeed can so drastically affect human Personality
and attitude that it can make other (psychotic) people look
FEROCIOUS and SINISTER to an such an extreme
degree that most even modestly ungrown people walk
around literally terrorized of being physically attacked
or otherwise exploited... while it is all decent (and well
grown people) can humanly do to try and police the
situation and preserve law and order and prevent open

OK.... I'll leave off there. I have gone to this effort in your
case because there is at least some faint hope that you
might take a CONSTRUCTIVE attitude towards all this
rather than insouciantly wasting your time searching
for a "Krypton bullet" that will "easily debunk the theory".
I hope you're more perceptive than to waste time trying to do

Best regards, George Hammond M.S. Physics

PS: And give my best regards to professor emeritus
David Ritz Finklestein for me.

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