Announcements (April 16, 2006)

1. Our second collection is for Hospital Ministry. The parishes of South Seattle have the responsibility to support the Catholic chaplains at Swedish, Virginia Mason and Harborview Hospitals. Please give generously to those who minister to the hospitalized in our name. Also we ask that you return your rice bowls in this collection or after Mass.

2. In the bulletin you will find information about our Parish Capital Campaign, which is now in its second year. Thank you to all who are supporting this effort. Currently:

566 Families
1,222,557.28 Total Pledged
511,643.31 Total Paid
710,913.97 Balance

If you have not yet made a donation or pledge, it is not too late. Pledge envelopes and information about the Campaign are available at the Church entrances. Also you will find a packet for new parishioners. If you are new to Holy Family Parish, please pick up an information packet.

3. The Capital Campaign has made possible a number of repairs and improvements to our parish. This summer we will renovate the ground floor of our parish school. Also we are hoping to update the sound system in our church. The two-bit collection next Sunday will go toward the sound system.

4. Also next Sunday, after morning Masses, Vietnamese members of our parish will be serving a delicious breakfast and brunch. All proceeds will go toward the Capital Campaign. Please plan on attending.

5. During the coming weeks you will be hearing about the Annual Catholic Appeal. In my column I mention our parish goal and what we hope to accomplish if we reach that goal. Please give special attention to presentations from Fr. Ramon, Deacon Ted and Principal Glen Lutz regarding the Annual Catholic Appeal.

6. Please be sure to take home a bulletin for information about our parish school, our prayer group for women and the Catholic Evidence Guild apologetics series. I have also written about my upcoming visit to the Mary Bloom Center Peru. Please say a prayer that I have a safe trip and return. I will remember all of you, especially when I visit the tombs of St. Martin de Porres and St. Rose of Lima.