Announcements (February 24, 2002)

1. Our two-bit collection is for School Renovation. Your support is necessary if we are to take the next steps in the seismic upgrade of our parish school.

2. Thank you for your contributions last Sunday for Black and Indian Missions. $1,186 were donated to help Black and Native American Catholics.

3. Regarding Sacrificial Giving, please notice the list of Holy Family Donors posted on the bulletin boards at the entrances of the church. It shows 736 active contributors. If you name is not on the list - or if it is misspelled - please let us know by dropping a note in the collection or calling the parish office. Our goal is that all those who attend Holy Family become active members by receiving and using Sunday envelopes. Thank you.

4. Please plan on joining fellow parishioners for Soup Nights, every Friday evening during Lent beginning at 5:30 p.m. Also Stations of the Cross are celebrated Friday evenings in the Church at 7 p.m.

5. During Lent we have a "Workingman's Mass" every Friday morning at 7 a.m. All are invited to attend.

6. Vespers and Benediction are celebrated every Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. Please come and experience this beautiful prayer.

7. Thank you to all who signed up last Sunday for Eucharistic Adoration. For more information about prayer to Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, please contact Joe Vandermark, Better Weller or Greg Miller.

8. Scrip is for sale after Mass. Please use scrip for your shopping at local stores. It will cost you nothing extra and is an effective way of supporting your parish and its school.

9. Please notice the rose colored flier in this Sunday's bulletin. It outlines upcoming activities for parish youth, ages 16-20. For example next weekend, our youth will be making a retreat on Shaw Island. Be sure to take home a bulletin for this and other important announcements.