Announcements (June 14, 2009)

1. The second collection is for our parish Birthright. In recent months the eight trained volunteers have served 64 young women. Twenty-five were referred from the national 24-hour hotline. Thirteen came for a free pregnancy test. Many needed referrals for housing, pro-life medical support, food and baby items. Others came for counseling and moral support. Of those who were abortion minded, at least four babies were saved! Also, Birthright gave baby clothes, diapers and blankets to pregnant mothers who came to us seeking help. Thank you for your support of this vital work.

2. Mary French, who is our parish Stewardship coordinator, will now make some important announcements. (work party, rectory improvement collection, etc.

3. Please be sure to take home a bulletin. It has many other important announcements. Thank you.

Avisos (14 de junio de 2009)

1. La segunda collecta es para “Birthright” (Derecho de Nacer). Ocho voluntarias entrenadas han dado ayuda a unas 64 mujeres jovenes. Birthright tiene su oficina en la Ailbe House y su ayuda incluye pruebas de embarazo, referencia para alojamiento, apoyo medico, comida, ropitas y cosas para bebitos. Sus contribuciones haran posible que continue esta obra importante.


3. Favor de llevar un boletin. Tiene mucha informacion en ingles y español. Boletines son disponibles, gratis, a las entradas del templo.